They're connected using subordinating conjunctions like because, since, although, while, if, when. Example: Although the sun shines brightly, the clouds are gathering. 4. Crafting Impact: Compound-Complex Sentences For truly sophisticated writing, combine the elements of compound and ...
关联连词(举例) 25-Correlative Conjunctions (with Examples) English Grammar 05:20 完整的英语文章语法指南 26-How to Use Articles (aanthe) 10:12 70+很好但是我从来没有教过的对话话题 15:35 英语中最难的单词 28-20 Most Difficult Words in the English Language 09:00 英语语法中不同类型的副词及其例...
Argumentative writing is designed to pose a claim and support for the claim using persuasive arguments. Such writing becomes more effective when conjunctions make the points flow smoothly. Conjunctions connect words or phrases together, making a text easier to read. Transitions function the same way ...
Essayscouldinspireusto experiment with intricate wording forourideas, and writing abilities will begraduallyimproved through the process.If you worrythatthere will be problems in expression or else, youcan ask your partner for help or justuse an essay - correction websiteto correct your writing. ...
Start with simple essay prompts and gradually work your way up to more complex ones. Part 3: Advanced Techniques – Style, Tone, and Vocabulary Once you've mastered the basics and structure, it's time to focus on refining your writing style. This involves working on your vocabulary, tone,...
CONJUNCTIONS (Grammar)ENGLISH grammarCONNECTIVES (Linguistics)ENGLISH language educationFOREIGN language educationIn this paper we address the issue of conjunction use in learner writing from a text-structuring angle, focusing on hortatory expositions by NNS learners and NS professionals. The learners are ...
如何写文章结尾 56-How To Write A Conclusion Paragraph Ending the Essay 08:46 英语常用句子(按功能分类) 57-Common Sentence Starters in English (Classified by Function) 09:39 世界上最受欢迎的100种蔬菜 58-100 Most Popular Vegetables in The World ...
With a strong grasp of correlative conjunctions, you’ll be well on your way to mastering more advanced English grammar. Whether you’re writing an essay, preparing for an exam, or simply improving your everyday communication, these tips will serve as a valuable foundation for your continued le...
combined philosophy and literarycriticismin a new way and made an enduring and important contribution to literary theory. Coleridge settled at Highgate in 1816, and he was sought there as “the most impressive talker of his age” (in the words of the essayist William Hazlitt). His later relig...
Editing & Writing Topics Sub-forums Threads 10.4K Messages 52.5K [Essay]Should English be a compulsory subject in Vietnam's primary schools? Wednesday at 2:04 PM emsr2d2 English Idioms and Sayings Sub-forums Threads 1.5K Messages 8.8K