Conjunctions and prepositions (common conjunctions, common prepositions, numbers, time, westernized calendar months, and clock times.) Case endings (nominative, genitive, and accusative) Possessives Interrogatives (common question words, singular accusative, etc.) Some tips which are useful for almost...
Parts of speech:nouns,verbs,adjectives,adverbs,pronouns,prepositionsand conjunctions Multi-clause sentences Simple tips for apostrophes The apostrophe must be the most dreaded of punctuation marks, and the one which causes the most confusion. Apostrophes tend to be overused and even adults write CD’s...
Laura’s stories have appeared inThe Paris Review, BOMB, Virginia Quarterly Review, McSweeney’s, Conjunctions, Freeman’s, American Short Fiction, Ploughshares, andOne Story,and have been anthologized inThe Best American Short Stories, The Best American Mystery Stories, The O. Henry Prize Stories...