Welcome Unit-d-A9 149 2023-12 7 Welcome Unit-d-A10 50 2023-12 8 Unit 1 My Interests-词汇表1 56 2023-12 9 Welcome to Class! -A1 86 2023-12 10 Welcome to Class! 词汇 65 2023-12 查看更多 猜你喜欢 395 Welcome To-HNY by:嘻哈有态度 ...
Property law is the area of law thatgoverns the various forms of ownership in real property and personal property.The term real property refers to buildings, land and whatever grows on thatland or any minerals that are found in that land. Per...
Unit 5school学校50subject科目50have有50math数学50English英语50Chinese语文; 中文50P. E.体育50class课50their他们的50teacher教师, 老师50music音乐51art美术; 艺术51science科学51*classroom教室52blackboard黑52米office办公室52playground 操场52library图书馆53 ...
Each unit contains 5 parts, namely: (1) human body systems and vocabulary, (2) formation of medical terminology, (3) clinical literature writing, (4) diversified medical cultures, and (5) an after-class quiz. Students are expected to start with human body system and related English ...
蔡小艳老师 Unit 6 Summer Vacation Lesson 2 王立老师 Unit 6 Summer Vacation Lesson 3 教学无止境,本次赛课活动大家收获良多,今后我们英语组的老师们会更加再接再厉,深入研究,为打造高效英语课堂不断努力,为课堂教学提质增效! Everyone has gained a lot from this class competition. In the future, our Eng...
I practice my English in class and after class. 我课上和课下都练习英语。 Don't be afraid to make mistakes! 不要害怕犯错! Sometimes I make silly mistakes and I laugh at myself. 有时我会犯愚蠢的错误,我自己嘲笑自己。 My friends help me a lot. 朋友们帮了我很多。 Hi. Is Susan there...
Unit4-Class2 Around the world 笔记 8 2020-12 8 十遍地标 6 2020-12 9 Unit4-Class2 Around the world 8 2020-12 10 Unit4-Class1 Around the world 笔记 14 2020-12 查看更多 猜你喜欢 2.6万 Super Minds5 Unit2-Unit5 by:莱恩美语
1.bilabial(twolips)双唇音2.labio-dental(topteeth/bottomlip)唇齿音3.dental(tonguetip/topteeth)舌尖音4.alveolar(tonguetip/toothridge)齿槽音5.postalveolar(tonguetipormid/hardpalate)后齿龈音/卷舌音6.palatal(tonguemid/hardpalate)硬颚音/舌面音7.velar(tongueback/softpalate)软颚音/舌根音8.glottal喉音 M...