This page contains multiple-choice questions and answers on various Engineering Subjects such as AutoCAD, Discrete Mathematics, Environment Engineering, Control Systems, Software Architecture, Microwave Engineering, Network Theory, Electrical Machines, Renewable Energy, and many more....
Civil engineering is a wide ranging profession and includes several separate specialties such as structures, materials science, hydrology, geology, geography, soils, environment, mechanics and some other fields. The civil engineer may work on the design, construction, and maintenance of the physical an...
1. Sediment and Erosion Control2. Bernoulli Equation3. Culvert Design4. Hydrology Manual5. Open Channel Hydraulics6. Hardy-Cross7. Sewer Collection-Systems8. Sewer Treatment Vol-Flow Chart 9. Settling Water Treatment10. Pump Curve11. Fittings Pipe Pump Guide12. Wastewater Pump Station13. Sewage...
General Awareness, and General Engineering. However, in Paper 2, candidates must solve the questions based on their respective specialisations, i.e., Civil, Mechanical Engineering
Our water resource engineering services emphasize the areas of surface water hydrology, drainage analysis and management. LEARN MORE Planning & Grantsmanship Our broad range of planning services include but is not limited to civil engineering infrastructure, water resources infrastructure and land developme...
Aspiring professional with a strong foundation in geology and hydrology, determined to excel in geotechnical engineering. Ready to harness my analytical skills and fervor for geoscience to aid in soil analysis and design innovative solutions for earth retention systems, and to work alongside seasoned ex...
Masten is a textbook that covers all of the basic (and not so basic) concepts of environmental science and engineering. Topics covered include chemistry, materials and energy balance, ecosystems, hydrology, risk, geology, water quality, air pollution, waste management, agriculture, noise, and ...
Third, by integrating the taxonomy and readiness factors through meta-inferences, we offer a theoretical lens for theorizing on the relationship between BISE, and urban agriculture as a particular instantiation thereof. In that regard, our study also answers questions posed by prime BISE and IS outl...
Tounderstandwhereweareandtohelppredictwherewearegoing,itisusefultoreviewwherewehavebeen.CharlesAugustinCoulomb MacquornRankine EVOLUTION Priorto1940-KarlTerzaghi AfterWorldWarII:Politicalandsocietaldemandsfor:NewstructuresandfacilitiesProtectionandenhancementofenvironmentNewresourcesMitigationofnaturaldisasterrisks SOI...
As his interests extended to other subjects-optics, hydrology, geology, and ultimately the human body-his studies were informed by his fascination with machines. For instance, Leonardo presents the human body, says Galluzzi, “as a remarkable ensemble of mechanical devices.” He sketches muscles, ...