In the early stages of hydrology and water resources science, the focus was on bringing together natural scientists, engineers, and social scientists (Harshbarger and Evans, 1967). Freeze (1990) identified a separation between physical and social sciences in water research and encouraged the journal...
Army Corps of EngineersVaddey, S.Bonneville Power AdministrationBrekke, L., B. Kuepper, and S. Vaddey. 2010. Climate and hydrol- ogy datasets for use in the RMJOC agencies' longer term planning studies: part 1 - future climate and hydrology datasets. Bureau of Reclamation, Boise, Idaho. ...
Buras, N., 1963. “Conjunctive Operation of Dams and Aquifers,”Journal of the Hydraulics Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, 89(HY6): 111–131. Google Scholar Central Arizona Project, 2001.Annual Rreport, Phoenix, Arizona. ...
Similarly, modelling frameworks such as Ludwig (Molino et al., 2019) and MLflow (Zaharia et al., 2018) have been developed to provide a general modularized machine and deep learning architecture to a broad audience of engineers and scientists for performing a vast amount of tasks. Moreover, ...
A practical text-book for the use of civil-engineers, surveyors, students, and all those who deal with the control of water. Re-issue, By J. M. Lacey, M. Inst. C.E., London (Technical Press, Ltd.), 1934. Demy 8vo, Cloth, 159 pp., Illustrated. Ios 6d. Q.J.R. Meteorol. ...
Conference of River Engineers, Cranfield, U.K. Beran, HA (1983) Personal Communication. About this Chapter Title Flood Protection and Drainage of the East and West Fens Hydrology Book Title Hydraulic Design in Water Resources Engineering: Land Drainage Book Subtitle Proceedings of the 2nd ...
Calibration of HEC-RAS Model for One Dimensional Steady Flow Analysis —A Case of Senegal River Estuary Downstream Diama Dam-来源:Open Journal of Modern Hydrology(现代水文学期刊)(第2020003期)-美国科研出版社.pdf,Open Journal of Modern Hydrology, 2020
Engineering and the legal system have each developed alternative methods for dealing with uncertainty that short-circuit the need for stochastic models in some settings. Uncertainty has been a fact of engineering life since the time of the Pharoahs. Engineers evolved a pragmatic method for dealing ...
Army Corps of Engineers. Data on gizzard shad CPUE were from summer seine hauls and fall gill-net samples. The recruitment of white bass was indexed using the CPUE of age-0 white bass from fall gill-net samples. The CPUE of age-0 white bass was positively correlated with that of ...
This book is an indispensable reference for libraries and researchers, an information source for practitioners, and a valuable text for training the next generations of cold region scientists and engineers.doi:10.1007/978-3-642-23462-0M.-K. Woo...