energy-loss中文翻译 能损 energy-loss是什么意思网络解释 能的损失; 能量流失; 能量损失峰 词组短语 loss[物]能量损失;能的损失;电能损耗 2.Electron energy loss spectroscopy电子能量损失谱;电子能量损失能谱法;电子能损失谱术;电子能量损失谱仪 ...
energy loss 美 英 un.能量损失;能量损耗 网络能的损失;能量流失;能量损失峰 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 能量损失 2. 能量损耗 释义: 全部,能量损失,能量损耗,能的损失,能量流失,能量损失峰
rate of energy loss 能量损失率 相似单词 energy loss time 能量置换时间 loss n. 1.丧失;遗失 2.损耗,亏损 3.(某人离开或珍贵物品被取走造成的)损失;因离去而造成损失者 4.去世;逝世 5.损失;丢失 6.损失物 7.损失量;损失额;亏损额 8. LOSS =Landing Observer's Signal System 着陆观察员信号系统 ...
1.Energy flow 2.Energy loss Energy flow 让我们顺着nutrient cycle来讲energy flow!就像我们上次说过的那样,所有资源都是有限的,所以营养会被多次循环利用。那么在这个过程中就会产生能量的传递和流失。 对于在ecosystem中大多数的动物来说,最初的能量来源是太阳光。有了太阳光,植物就能够进行光合作用茁壮成长然后作...
Energy-loss straggling of (200-1000) MeV/u uranium ions. Weick, H.,Sorensen, A.H.,Geissel, H.,Scheidenberger, C.,Attallah, F.,Chichkine, V.,Elisseev, S.,Hausmann, M.,Irnich, H.,Litvinov, Y.,Lommel, B.,Maier, M.,Mato?, M.,Münzenberg, G.,Nankov, N.,Nickel, F.,...
laminar-energy-loss网页 图片 视频 学术 词典 航班 laminar energy loss 美 英 un.层流附面层能量损失 英汉 un. 1. 层流附面层能量损失 隐私声明 法律声明 广告 反馈 © 2024 Microsoft
The use of a liquid dielectric material in the energy-loss return gate generates electrostatic potential energy while reducing the dielectric loss of the electric/electronic system. Hence, an energy-loss return gate can make breakthrough impacts possible by amplifying energy-harvesting efficiency, ...
Energy-Loss-Straggling Experiments with Relativistic Heavy Ions in Solids. Energy-loss straggling measurements performed at the high-momentum-resolution magnetic spectrometer fragment separator with bare and highly charged {sub 8}O, {sub 54}Xe, {sub 79}Au, and {sub 92}U ions with specific ...
Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy (RBS) accompanying with the sharp4.808-MeVresonance of proton beams in carbon has been applied to examine the energy-loss straggling in detail, which causes the broadening of proton beam energy in the penetrating path. In the present measurements, RBS peak profil...