revised cash balance equation修正的现金余额方程式 general balance equation通用平衡方程 water balance equation水量结算方程式 cash balance equation现金金额方程式 相似单词 equationn. 1.[C]【数】方程式,等式 2.[C,U]相等;平衡,均衡 3.[U]同等看待
An energy rate balance equation is described below for each plant device. Air compressor Air at ambient pressure and a temperature T1 enters the compressor. The compressor outlet temperature is a function of compressor isentropic efficiency (ηAC), compressor pressure ratio (rAC) and...
能量平衡公式Energy Balance Equation• 進 等於 出 ‐‐‐‐ 脂肪不變• 進 大於 出 ‐‐‐‐ 脂肪增加• 進 小於 出 ‐‐‐‐ 脂肪減少 阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档 5 p. 第13讲孔与阵列 11 p. 空间解析几何和向量代数 13 p. 秦兵马俑博物馆讲解词(修订版) 6 p. 科目-...
文档分类: 幼儿/小学教育--教育管理 文档标签: 能量平衡公式EnergyBalanceEquation 能量平衡公式EnergyBalanceEquation,能量平衡公式EnergyBalanceEquation,能量平衡公式EnergyBalanceEquation 君,已阅读到文档的结尾了呢~~ 立即下载相似精选,再来一篇 maritime_8 分享于2017-08-21 08:16...
Mott (1948) suggested that for rapidly growing cracks, kinetic energy must be incorporated in writing down the energy balance. However, the correct and complete formulation of the local energy rate balance equation was not provided until after the nature of the dynamic stress field had been ...
Mass Balance in a Simple Steady Flow Process By the conservation of mass , if there is no accumulation of mass with in the control volume , the mass flow rate entering must equal the mass flow rate leaving . It is given by, w1 = w2 A1V1/v1 = A2V2/v2 This equation is the equation...
I'm currently simulating what, at least in theory, should be a fairly simple heat transfer problem, and while everything seems to be running smoothly without errors, I can't get the energy equation that Fluent is giving me to add up. There's probably just a term I'm mis...
Counterfactuals are expressed as linear or exponential functions in relation to temperature (equation (2)). The counterfactual temperature is the point at which humidity has no influence on energy demand and is given the value of an assumed balance point temperature, where neither heating nor cooling...
Sensitivities of mass-balance to glacial model parameters on the Urumqi Glacier No.1. In plots,P1denotes precipitation lapse rate below 4200 m a.s.l.,P2denotes precipitation lapse rate above 4200 m a.s.l.,Tthdenotes air temperature threshold,αsnowdenotes albedo for snow,αicedenotes albe...
-ve PaulAshall,2008 Steadystate/non-steadystate Nonsteadystate- accumulation/depletionofenergyin system PaulAshall,2008 Uses Heatrequiredforaprocess Rateofheatremovalfromaprocess Heattransfer/designofheatexchangers Processdesigntodetermineenergy requirementsofaprocess Pumppowerrequirements(mechanical energybalance)...