国际能源宪章-EnergyCharter.PDF 国际能源宪章 經同意并 将于2015年5月20日在海牙的 关于国际能源宪章的部长级会议 受采纳的文本 宪章文本 (中译本) IEC text in English Frequently asked questions 关于国际能源宪章的 部长级会议(海牙第二公约)结论文件 关于国际能源宪章的部长级会议(“海牙第二公约”)将于2015...
《能源宪章条约》(Energy Charter Treaty)1991年12月17日订立于荷兰海牙,包括了一系列国际能源贸易、投资的原则。成员包括多个欧洲及亚洲国家、欧盟、欧洲原子能共同体等,[1] 1998年4月,《能源宪章条约》正式生效。 截止2019年7月,共有53个签署方,主体为欧洲和亚洲国家,包括多数欧盟成员国以及欧盟、欧洲原子能共同...
Energy Charter Treaty and the YUKOS/Russia experienceBell, Gordon
EU Withdrawal from the Energy Charter Treaty:A New Era for Climate and Energy Goals The European Union (EU) took a significant step towards aligning its energy policies with its climate goals by announcing its withdrawal from the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT). This multilater...
This article (1) explores the background to and reasons for the contrary decisions in the Czech Republic and Ecuador disputes, (2) critically appraises the solutions proposed by commentators in the field and (3) examines whether the Energy Charter Treaty could help solve this problem for energy...
Energy Charter TreatyRegional Energy Co-operationThe article examines the prospect of a regional energy charter treaty for the Asia-Pacific region and the lessons that could be learnt towards that end, at leasdoi:10.1163/221190002X00373Maniruzzaman, A.F.M...
This article provides a critical assessment of the ‘modernisation’ process of the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT). First, the research frames the ECT reform as a means for resolving the clash between the treaty and climate action, that cannot be effectivel
The Energy Charter Treaty allow fossil fuel investors to sue EU member states before international arbitral tribunals to challenge climate mitigation measures. This legal mechanism is increasingly weaponized by the industry.
This article focuses on the sunset clause of the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT). The ECT is a multilateral investor‐state arbitration treaty which allows for the use of investor‐state dispute settlement (ISDS) tribunals to arbitrate challenges arising from shifts in energy policy that l...
French CourtsEnergy Charter TreatyDefinition of InvestmentA short update on treaty interpretation by the French Courts, in particular on the definition of investment under the Energy Charter Treaty. This article revisiSocial Science Electronic Publishing...