iii. 因此我们说——以清醒和敬畏的心——我们评价患难说:“主啊,你带它来吧。我知道你爱我,每个试炼你都精心量过。每一次患难,你都有慈爱的旨意要成就。主啊,我不愿寻求试炼,寻找患难,但当它们临到时,我不轻视,也不会失去盼望。我相信,在你许可的每件事上,都有你的爱。” 3.(5)盼望的明证:上帝的...
i. Not sleep: Paul used a different word here than for the sleep of death mentioned in 1 Thessalonians 4:13.“The word sleep is here used metaphorically to denote indifference to spiritual realities on the part of believers. It is a different word than that in 4:13-15 for the sleep of...
Through Him we have received grace (Romans 1:5). He can save you from the penalty of sin, from the power of sin, and ultimately, from the presence of sin. Click here for David’s commentary on Matthew 1 Click Here for Daily Devotionals from David Critics and the Criticized – ...
iii. “So the homily ends – abruptly, even more abruptly than the First Epistle of John, without any closing word of farewell to the readers, abruptly but not ineffectively. The Wisdom writings on which it is modeled end as suddenly.” (Moffatt)...
David Guzik commentary on 2 Corinthians 11 describes why Paul defends his credentials, and how he stands against the false apostles.
iii. Bruce on the idea of beingacceptedby God on the standing of grace: “God’s grace has extended to his people and enfolded them: he has ‘be-graced’ them, says Paul (using a verb derived from the Greek word for ‘grace’).” ...
i. John could only proclaim the Word of God if he had taken it in; “Such an action symbolized the reception of the Word of God into the innermost being as a necessary prerequisite to proclaim it with confidence.” (Johnson) b.It was as sweet as honey in my mouth. But when I had...
David Guzik commentary on 2 Corinthians 4, in which Paul encourages the Corinthian church not to lose heart in times of affliction.
David Guzik commentary on 1 Corinthians 10, where Paul addresses the issue of idolatry as seen in the history of Israel as well as the Corinthian church.
David Guzik commentary on Ezekiel 36 describes the new covenant for Israel’s land and people, and God’s judgment upon a disobedient Israel.