They must keep standing on God’s Word, delivered both by the authoritative word of the apostles (by word) and the letters of the apostles (our epistle). i. Traditions: The Bible recognizes that traditions can be a dangerous feature of religious systems (Matthew 15:2-3) or the traditions...
While Jesus said we should live our lives in such a way so that oaths are not necessary (Matthew 5:33-37), it does not mean that oaths are prohibited. On occasion, even God swears an oath (Hebrews 6:13). b. That to spare you I came no more to Corinth: The Corinthian Christians...
“他当时正忙着索取,但他被呼召去做一件本质上是给予的工作。” (司布真,Spurgeon) iii. “当一个犹太人进入海关服务,他被视为社会的弃儿:他被取消了做法官或证人的资格,被逐出犹太会堂,在社区人的眼中,他的家人也跟着受辱。” (莱恩对《马可福音》的注释,【Lane, Commentary on Mark】) iv.旧的英王钦定...
马太·普尔(Matthew Poole)承认在家谱在调和马太和路加的记录时存在一些问题,而他也正确地观察到:· 犹太人有大量的家谱记录,所以相信这样的记录不是不明智的。· 我们应该记住保罗关于争执家谱的警告,不要引起争论(提前1:4,6:4;多3:9)。· 如果反对耶稣的犹太人能够证明他不是大卫的后裔,他们就会取消他作为...
Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) Short Devotionals from Matthew Tweet Pin2 Share 2Shares Bible Commentary Quick Navigation Start Here! Subscribe *indicates required Email Address* First Name Last Name Enduring Word Newsletter Enduring Word Info ...
iv. Robertson rightly comments: “We may not dare to probe too far into this mystery of Christ’s suffering on the Cross, but this fact throws some light on the tragic cry of Jesus just before he died: ‘My God, My God, why didst thou forsake me?’” In that cry (Matthew 27:46...
2. (9-12)耶稣应用比喻。 这样,葡萄园的主人要怎样办呢?他要来除灭那些园户,将葡萄园转给别人。经上写着说 匠人所弃的石头,已作了房角的头块石头。这是主所作的,在我们眼中看为希奇。 这经你们没有念过吗? 他们看出这比喻是指着他们说的,就想要捉拿他,只是惧怕百姓。于是离开他走了。
2. (3-4)施洗约翰的身份。 这人就是先知以赛亚所说的,他说, 在旷野有人声喊着说,预备主的道,修直他的路。 这约翰身穿骆驼毛的衣服,腰束皮带,吃的是蝗虫野蜜。 a.预备主的道:马太使用了以赛亚书40章3节的这段话来确认施洗约翰是预言弥赛亚的先锋。在这个角色中,约翰的目的是为弥赛亚预备人的心,并使以...
iii. “Repentance” sounds like a harsh word to many but it is an essential aspect of the gospel and has been called “the first word of the gospel.” When John the Baptist preached, he saidRepent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!(Matthew 3:2). When Jesus began to preach, ...
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