在这里使用“他们”暗指路加在腓立比多待了一段时间,也许是为了照顾这个新的教会。 (c) 2021 TheEnduring WordBible Commentary by David Guzik– ewm@enduringword.com
i. “Acts 16:23-24 records that the suffering included a public flogging and having their feet in stocks while confined in the city’s inner prison. Such a Roman flogging was no light matter; it was an experience not soon forgotten.” (Hiebert) ii. “We know that indignity and persecut...
ii. “Cutting the cord, washing, rubbing down with salt, and clothing the newborn were also customary legal acts of legitimation. In the neglect and abandonment of the infant in the open field, the parent legally relinquished all rights to and responsibilities for the child.” (Block) iii....
•他们以不同寻常的方式,被圣灵充满。 iii.圣灵的到来和充满是如此美好,对于早期基督徒群体的工作是如此重要,耶稣甚至说,祂的肉身最好是离开世界,所以祂能派圣灵来(约16:7)。 2.(4b-13)说方言的现象。 按着圣灵所赐的口才说起别国的话来。那时,有虔诚的犹太人从天下各国来,住在耶路撒冷。这声音一响,众人...
Impresario Harry von Tilzer heard him and he became a $5-per-week song plugger, working from the balcony of Tony Pastor’s Music Hall in Union Square and providing musical “coverage” for such acts as “The Three Keatons,” a knockabout group composed of two adults and their sad-faced ...
彼得讲道的对象,这些犹太人也是如此。他们对弥赛亚有特定的期待,但神想要给他们的更伟大。他们寻找的是一个政治和军事上的弥赛亚,而不是把每个人从罪孽中救赎出来的那一位。这表明了我们从神那里期待正确的事物是多么重要。 (c) 2021 TheEnduring WordBible Commentary by David Guzik– ewm@enduringword.com...
As well, in Acts 16:3 Paul had Timothy circumcised – again, not because it was necessary, but because it could be helpful in getting ministry done among the Jews. ii. “To the Gentiles he behaved himself as if he himself had been a Gentile, that is, forbearing the observances of ...
i. The incident in Lystra (recorded in Acts 14:19) must be what Paul refers to when he says once I was stoned. g. Three times I was shipwrecked; a night and a day I have been in the deep; in journeys often, in perils:“I am a minister of Christ because I have traveled many ...
i. 使徒行传14:4是保罗和巴拿巴第一次在使徒行传中被称为使徒。在使徒行传中唯一另一次使用这个称呼是在14:14。保罗经常在他的书信中这样称呼自己。 f. 吕高尼的路司得、特庇两个城:威廉·拉姆齐证明了路司得和特庇确实都在罗马的吕高尼省,但仅在公元37年到72年,就是使徒行传中的这些事件发生的确切时期。
e.Who has shone in our hearts: This describes Paul’s own conversion accurately (Acts 9:1-9). On his way to Damascus to persecute and kill Christians,suddenly a light shone around him from heaven. This was the first encounter with Jesus in the life of Saul of Tarsus (also known later...