This wasn’t because Paul was insecure about his ministry, but because he had many enemies in Thessalonica (Acts 17:5-6 and 17:13) who discredited him in his absence, especially because of his hurried departure from Thessalonica. Paul’s enemies said he left town quickly because he was a...
When the test has been made (according to the standard of God’s Word and the discernment of spirit among the leaders), we then hold fast to what is good. i. Between the time Paul last saw the Thessalonians and the writing of this letter, he had spent time in Berea (Acts 17:10-...
b. 弟兄们随即在夜间打发保罗和西拉往庇哩亚去:保罗和西拉很快就离开了帖撒罗尼迦,不想对那里的基督徒带来更多的迫害或者破坏耶孙的保状。 i. 保罗只在帖撒罗尼迦待了几个星期(徒17:2),他似乎希望能更多地教导他们。因此他决定写一封书信来更多地教导他们,许多人认为帖撒罗尼迦前书是他写给教会的第一封书信。 B...
圣灵充满的最初体验。 1.(1-4a)门徒被圣灵充满。 五旬节到了,门徒都聚集在一处。忽然,从天上有响声下来,好像一阵大风吹过,充满了他们所坐的屋子,又有舌头如火焰显现出来,分开落在他们各人头上。他们就都被圣灵充满, a.五旬节:这是逾越节后50天举行的犹太节日。它庆祝小麦丰收的初熟果实。 i.在那个时期的...
iv.As there are many gods and many lordsrefers to theso-called gods. Indeed, in the ancient world, there were many, many different gods – and even gods known asthe unknown godto cover any gods one might have missed (Acts 17:23). ...
i. The Bible does explain that there will be a significant outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the last days (Joel 2:28-29,Acts 2:17-18); but this passage from James doesn’t seem to be relevant to that outpouring. ii. Instead, the sense here is more as Moffatt explains: “The farme...
2.(16-17)一个被鬼附的使女跟随保罗。 后来,我们往那祷告的地方去。有一个使女迎着面来,他被巫鬼所附,用法术,叫他主人们大得财利。他跟随保罗和我们,喊着说:这些人是至高神的仆人,对你们传说救人的道。 a. 有一个使女迎着面来,他被巫鬼所附,用法术,叫他主人们大得财利:这个使女虽然被巫鬼所附,...
4.(17-18)解释耶稣所受的苦难。 弟兄们,我晓得你们做这事是出于不知,你们的官长也是如此。但神曾藉众先知的口,预言基督将要受害,就这样应验了。 a. 弟兄们:虽然彼得大胆地向他们指出了他们的罪,但他并没有恨他们。他没有说,“你这些肮脏恶心的可怜人。”他仍然以弟兄们来称呼他们。请注意,彼得已经两次指...
i. “Observe how the Psalmist brands his own initials upon every name which he rejoicingly gives to his God –myexpectation,myrock,mysalvation,myglory,mystrength,myrefuge; he is not content to know that the Lord is all these things; he acts in faith towards him, and lays claim to him...
i. Morris on the word translated commandments:“It is more at home in a military environment, being a usual word for the commands given by the officer to his men (cf. its use in Acts 5:28, 16:24). It is thus a word with a ring of authority.” 2. (3-6a) The command to be...