Sigma-Aldrich B211-500 Bovine Endothelial Cell Growth Medium (500 ml) Preis und Verfügbarkeit anzeigen Sigma-Aldrich 211-500 Endothelzellwachstumsmedium (500 mL) Preis und Verfügbarkeit anzeigen Sigma-Aldrich C-22022 Endothelial Cell Growth Medium MV 2 Preis und Verfügbarkeit anzeigen shelf ...
EGM-2 MV SingleQuot Suppl&Growth Factors 价格: ¥0.00 ¥0.0 评论:0条 收藏:0 产品详情 产品评论(0) 销售记录(0) 品牌:Lonza型号:CC-4147 规格:KT Endothelial Cell Growth Medium Product Overview: Choose from a variety of endothelial cellgrowth media for an easy cultivation of primary endothelial ...
产品名称 EGM-2 Endothelial Cell Growth Medium-2 BulletKit (Lonza, CAT#CC-3162) 货号: CC-3162 规格: 品牌: Lonza 价格: ¥请咨询 产品分类: 细胞培养相关产品 研究领域: Culture Medium and Reagents CAS编号: 分子量: 分子式: 别名: 储存条件: 运输条件: 货期: 现货 应用: 说明书: 备注:...
商品评论 商品咨询 品牌:Lonza 所属分类:工具酶 货品编号: lonza.CC-3162 品牌:lonza 品名:EGMTM-2 Endothelial Cell Growth Medium-2 BulletKit TM 商品咨询 全部咨询(0) 商品咨询(0) 配送咨询(0) 售后咨询(0) 如果您对本商品有什么问题,请提问咨询!
英文名称:EGM -2 MV Microvascular Endothelial Cell Growth Medium-2 BulletKit 套装组成:EBM-2内皮细胞基础培养基(货号:CC-3156)+ EGM-2 MV SingleQuot 添加剂及生长因子(货号:CC-4147) LONZA人原代细胞简介 原代细胞是体外研究细胞形态、功能、分化的最佳工具,相比细胞系可能存在的未知突变和染色体异常,原代细胞...
Monocytes DC Maturation Medium Fibroblast Growth Medium Endothelial Cell Growth Medium产品代码: MD-0010 Call for Price: 0592-7821662 产品规格 选择产品规格: 500 mL 加入到愿望清单 发送产品给朋友Description Related ProductsEndothelial Cell Growth Medium is designed to promote endothelial cell proliferation ...
EGM-2 MV BulletKit (CC-3156 & CC-4147) CC-3202 KT EGM-2 MV SingleQuot Kit Suppl. & Growth Factors CC-4147 KT EGM-Plus BulletKit (CC-4542 + CC-5036) CC-5035 KT EBM-Plus Endothelial Cell Basal Medium-Plus CC-5036 BOT EGM-Plus SingleQuots CC-4542 KT EGM BulletKit (CC-3121 &...
HDMECs (Lonza, Basel, Switzerland) were cultured in an endothelial growth medium (EGMTM-2-MV BulletKitTM, Lonza). Murine B16 melanoma cells were purchased from American Type Culture Collection (ATCC; Manassas, VA) and Bend3 (murine endothelial cell line) were kindly provided by Prof. Jung ...
(kindly provided by Dr. rer. nat. Kornelia Ellwanger). The cells were grown as per supplier’s instructions. The hCMEC/D3 cells were grown in Endothelial Cell Growth medium MV with supplements including 0.05 mL/mL of Fetal Calf Serum, 0.004 mL/mL of Endothelial Cell Growth Supplement, 10...
Endothelial Cell Growth Medium (500 ml) 中文名: 中文别名: CBNumber: CB34669965 分子式: 分子量: 0 MOL File: Mol file 化学性质安全信息用途供应商2 Endothelial Cell Growth Medium (500 ml)化学性质 储存条件: 2-8°C 形态: liquid 安全信息 ...