SkyBlock Hub的推销员改变了他的服装,并提供了大量的夏季装饰品清单: 多达7种不同的夏季主题喷雾剂 最多6种不同的Minion皮肤 多达7种不同的夏季家具 Minion Skins是我们正在测试的新收藏品功能,你现在可以将Minion Skins放在minions菜单中,它会改变它们的外观。在未来,我们甚至可以给他们特殊的语音线!
(You must log in or sign up to post here.)Similar Threads Selling MVP+ | ENDGAME | 375 SB LVL | 26.5B NW | SKILL AVG 51.3 | SLAYERS MAXED | CATA 39 | DIAMOND HEADS ytaranotob55, 12/25/24, in forum: Hypixel Skyblock Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell Replies: 1 Views: 87...
Endermites are small Mobs similar to Silverfish found in ⏣ The End. They are spawned by Watchers and can also spawn when a Watcher dies. They are also sometimes spawned by breaking Endstone with anything other than a Stonk. This mob deals 400 ❁ Dam