●Rift guide(裂隙指南)拿上刚才说到的面包屑,在巫师塔外使用后会生成黄色药水粒子(游玩rift建议打开大部分粒子效果),触碰后再次使用,会在朝向巫师塔的方向再生成一个,最终指引你回到巫师塔。然后和巫师对话一次,就能在skyblock菜单中解锁裂隙指南。指南分成了九个部分(本教程亦依据此思路),会提示该区域所有主线和...
skyblock 1.21高版本测试 niko酱啦 602 0 Entering the RIFT (Hypixel SkyBlock) 我是我的世界大王 341 2 [Hypixel Skyblock]2024年了,史莱姆小人的收益如何?史莱姆小人两周零1天收益测试 skyCloud2020 560 0 (refraction)hypixel skyblock的未来 我是我的世界大王 1465 2 4:42 M7 S+ Bers POV (hypixel...
The Rift - Easy Beginner's Guide (Hypixel Skyblock Wizard Portal Update) 2389 2 1:08 App skyblock 史上最好的更新!(Hypixel Skyblock) 976 -- 58:01 App I Spent ONE YEAR Hunting for this SkyBlock Item(pigicial) 736 -- 18:22 App This Took Over 3000 HOURS in Hypixel SkyBlock by refra...
模板:Outdated 模板:NoteTA 小幫手是Hypixel Skyblock要素之一。它們可以使玩家在下線時收集資源。+一個小幫手在自己周圍5x5的區域產生資源,產生的資源取決於它的種類。它們不能在拍賣行中被拍賣,但是它們可以被交易。小幫手也可以升級到十一或十二( 農耕或 挖礦的小幫手
Skyblock level Essence Shop Your Essence Power Stone Guide Stats Tuning Collection Community Shop Bazaar Drill Fuel and Pickonimbus 2000 in Item Durability Bar Hotbar Slot Lock Keybind: Select the hotbar slot you want to lock/unlock and press the lock button. Item Tooltip: (Provides information...
Skyblock level Essence Shop Your Essence Power Stone Guide Stats Tuning Collection Community Shop Bazaar Drill Fuel and Pickonimbus 2000 in Item Durability Bar Hotbar Slot Lock Keybind:Select the hotbar slot you want to lock/unlock and press the lock button. ...
至于walls和其他游戏则是毫无可比性 本帖的目标就是带领新玩家们快速入门skyblock并进行一些拓展,享受这款游戏 719763 hypixel吧 qt1225🐑 SkyBlock前中期剑升级&附魔小指南(截至aotd)1L 因为在贴吧上搜到的指南基本都是烂尾,所以我决定开一贴来专门讲讲剑的升级和附魔方法 希望能顺利写完 数据收集于2020年6月初...
Dungeons Guide The most intelligent Hypixel Skyblock Dungeons Mod. Official Support Discord Join Our Discord! Features Solvers F7 Terminal Solvers (Shows the correct solution/order.) Creeper Solver (Shows what sea lanterns to hit.) Simon Says Solver (Shows correct buttons to hit.) Blaze Room Solve...
understand the game better,” said Simon on YouTube, one of the owners of the server. In practice, the popularity of Skyblock, a game mode, has caused the number of players to increase dramatically once again, since the last surge in the number of players was during the testing of ...
(其实就是***没钱只能钓鱼) 所以就打算开这个帖子 Lord Jawbus镇楼 先看有没有人支持 有人再更新 18633 hypixel吧 1212zx520 2023/6/7 Hypixel Skyblock 更新日志https://hypixel.net/threads/june-7-skyblock-patch-notes.5385735/ bug 修复 修复了宠物即使在隐藏模式下还是会阻挡玩家放置方块的问题 修复了cl...