Empire Minecraft is a set of Minecraft Survival Servers that focuses on the base Vanilla Minecraft Server gameplay, with extra changes to make the game more fun.
[Wiki翻译] E..在1.9 pre4之中,新的世界末路之地(The End)被加入了游戏,玩家在进入那个世界杀掉了龙之后再回到正常世界时会出现一段很长的文字,这就是所谓的End Poem终末之诗。今日该原文正式翻译完成
Instead of going to the end city, you teleport to the end platform.Resolved Export Details Type: Bug Resolution: Duplicate Fix Version/s: None Affects Version/s: Minecraft 18w50a Labels: None Confirmation Status: Unconfirmed Description When you throw an enderpearl in the end gateway...
1. Arkham City Soar Through Gotham on: Any dual-core CPU at 2.4GHz or more, Nvidia 8800 GT or AMD Radeon 3850, 2GB of RAM. Supports Windows XP. The Arkham games feature the voice talents of actors like Mark Hamill and Kevin Conroy. Credit: Rocksteady We're sticking with Arkham City...
在Minecraft的源代码中,“明亮度(Luminescence)”被定义为浮点型。匪夷所思的是,这些数值均为16的商,但却被乘以15得到最终的整数光照等级。 这意味着0/16和1/16(0.0和0.0625)均对应光照等级0。 画廊 阳光下的羊毛方块(亮度设置为“昏暗”) 阳光下的羊毛方块(亮度设置为“明亮”) ...
☆ 分享2012 minecraft吧 冷静的吐糟者 [Wiki翻译] End Poem 终末之诗在1.9 pre4之中,新的世界末路之地(The End)被加入了游戏,玩家在进入那个世界杀掉了龙之后再回到正常世界时会出现一段很长的文字,这就是所谓的End Poem终末之诗。 今日该原文正式翻译完成,对于英语不甚擅长的同学亦可分享Notch的神棍大作(...
Leave this bleak city full of solitude, and start our lonely grey journey. Shall we see more hope in the end of the sky far away? Gathering 6 Black Metal / Shoegaze / New Wave bands hailing from 5 different region 分享5赞 少年jump吧 申公小豹 air in the end of evangelion旁边的同学在...
Advanced players can enter Minecraft's final zone - The End. Players go to the End to challenge the ender dragon and explore treasure-filled cities in the sky. Before you can do this, however, you'll need to find a rare End Portal using...
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