【翻译】MInecr..初作诞生。翻译了第一行。用第一人称叙事口吻。【注】Mansion(林地府邸),与out of vision(看不见)押韵。Stronghold(要塞)与cold(冷清)押韵。Endcity(末地城,由
Alpha(中文意思是阿尔法)和The End(Minecraft中是“末地”的意思)问题就在于时长其余歌曲可能就只有几分钟,几十秒的都有,但是这俩首为什么长达十几分钟?特别是The End而且我基本上玩Minecraft只玩1.7X和1.8X版本,这俩首歌我从来没在Minecraft中听到过。 四十爱的 铁杆吧友 8 难道... 四十爱的 铁杆吧友 ...
5. Thegateway portal will teleport you to the outskirtsof the End dimension. Here, you have to build bridges between floating islands until you find the End cities. We suggest you skip the smaller islands as they don’t have anything useful to offer. Method 2: Use Command to Find End C...
For technical reasons, you need to know the seed of your world to use End City Finder, unless, of course, you want to find a seed for a new world. If you're playingSSP, the app is able to fetch the seed from your savegame. Alternatively, you can use the/seedcommand ingame. In...
This Minecraft tutorial explains how to find the End City in the End dimension with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. The End dimension was expanded to include an End City that can be tricky to find. Let's explore how to get to the End City.
很好用的指令../locate villang(村庄)/locate temple(神庙)/locate shipwreck(沉船)/locate buried (宝藏)/locate endcity(末地城)/lo
If you are using this mod with BetterEnd then you should lower the settings as the start points will be placed higher up, causing more cities to be cut off at build height. To get the end cities found in the images, you need yo use one of the datapacks listed below. Because this ...
Shop now Bring the game to life Build your world with LEGO® sets & plush. Shop now Sleep, dream & game Cozy up in a pixelated world with bedding. Shop now Choose your fun LEGO® Build & create with hands-on play. Shop now ...
build6 最新版 推荐理由:我的世界1.0.0.7测试手机版,它应该算是目前我的世界1.0版本中比较稳定的一款,可以让大家快速进入其中,充分感受到游戏的最新乐趣,目前要说最大的改变就是新增凶猛生物,让你们玩起来更加带劲。... 下载我的世界1.19.1国际服最新版本 2024-06-24691.3M v1.19.1 基岩版 推荐理由:我的世界1....