蓝色分支,Decoder-only框架(也叫Auto-Regressive),典型代表如GPT系列/LLaMa/PaLM等 Harnessing the Power of LLMs in Practice 刚听这三种框架名称可能会有点懵逼,不用担心,先感性认识一下。如下所示 横轴代表了输入token,纵轴代表相对应每个位置的输出token 左图为encoder-only,输出token都能看到所有输入token。例如...
Encoder-Only架构,也被称为单向架构,仅包含编码器部分,没有解码器。它主要适用于理解任务,如文本分类、情感分析等。代表模型是BERT(Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers),通过双向注意力机制捕捉丰富的上下文信息。 工作原理:Encoder-Only架构利用编码器对输入序列进行编码,提取其特征和语义信息。在BERT...
除了我们所看到的结合了 encoder 和 decoder 的Transformer 架构之外,BART(Bidirectional Auto-Regressive Transformers)和 T5(Text-To-Text Transfer Transformer)模型也属于此类。 实际上,decoder-only 架构和 encoder-only 架构的应用程序之间的区别有点模糊。例如,GPT 系列中的纯 decoder 模型可以为翻译等任务做好准备...
Hardware Encoder only works when not plugged into my GPU??? So ever since I've had OBS, my hardware encoder has never worked and I've updated my drivers a billion time, and tried everything, and nothings worked, so I've just been using x264. Then today I was messing around and plu...
Most of the previous works in this area cannot learn a good representation from content for recommendation task or consider only text modality of the content, thus their methods are very limited in current multimedia scenario. This paper proposes a Bayesian generative model called collaborative ...
For very demanding accuracy requirements, some type of calibration of the assembled system may be the only solution, in which case transducer repeatability is paramount. This paper describes a unique encoder-to-digital tracking converter concept for improving interpolation of optical encoders. The new...
Expand table RequirementValue Minimum supported client Windows 7 [desktop apps only] Minimum supported server None supported DLL Mfh264enc.dll See alsoCodec Objects MPEG-4 Support in Media Foundation Supported Media Formats in Media Foundation Video Media Types ...
Hi guys, I get the above error when using multiple RTMPs to stream a webinar. This appears to only be for youtube RTMPs and appears fix if I switch back to using x264 encoder instead of "NVIDIA NVENC h.264 (New)". Again the error only applies to youtube - I output to several ...
LLMs中有的是只有编码器encoder-only,有的只有解码器decoder-only,有的是2者混合 encoder decoder hybrid。三者都属于Seq2Seq,sequence to sequence。并且字面意思是虽只有编码器encoder,实际上LLMs是能decoder一些文本和token的,也算是decoder。不过由于encoder-only类型的LLM不像decoder-only和encoder-decoder那些有自...