Since Narissa appears in three media: 2D animation, live-action, and computer animation, May had to make sure that the costume would be the same throughout in terms of "color, shape, and texture". The costume for Narissa consisted of a leather corset and skirt, which looked "reptilian",...
Directions:This is a good dish to make in advance especially if you’re also planning to make apple pie (which I am) ‘cos you can just prep all the apples for both dishes. The secret to this dish is a LOT of cinnamon. If you think you have enough, add a little bit more. More ...
does it just change the texture or does it like glow and sparkle and stuff like that ReplyGood karmaBad karma+1 vote Legiondude-Oct 4 2011- 96 comments Purple sword ReplyGood karmaBad karma+2 votes [FH]Gorgutz-Oct 4 2011- 288 comments ...
so I did not reach full opacity. There is also a slight texture to this shade from all the flakes, so you may need thicker top coat for this shade to reach a super smooth finish.