This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft an enchanted golden apple with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. In Minecraft, the enchanted golden apple is often called a Notch Apple. When you eat an enchanted golden apple in Survival mode, it gi
Enchanted Golden Apple 附魔金苹果 Enchanted Golden Apples have become more common in recent years due to being accessible in both Ancient Cities and Trial Chambers, warranting a demotion to Rare instead of Epic 近年来,附魔金苹果的获取变得越来越普遍,因为在远古城市和试炼密室都可以获得,因此降级为稀有而...
Additional patterns: creeper, skull & crossbones, brick, flower, curly border and Mojang logo - making these without dyes will result in a black pattern, use dyes to get different colors (items: creeper skull, wither skeleton skull, brick block, oxeye daisy, vines and enchanted golden apple)...
Enchanted Golden Apple - changed texture into "diamond golden apple" Planned Features: Menu/inventory update? (change all gui into dark mode) Leaves decay? Better grass model? Easter eggs? Logic update? (modify model of comparator and repeater to make more intuitive simil ProjectRed but adapted...
Crafting Enchanted Golden Apple - [Fabric] Bycreanter Mods 13,784 Description This mod brings back the crafting of Enchanted Golden Apples
{ "event": "minecraft:entity_born", "target": "baby" } }, { "mate_type": "minecraft:horse", "baby_type": "minecraft:mule", "breed_event": { "event": "minecraft:entity_born", "target": "baby" } } ], "breed_items": [ "golden_carrot", "golden_appl...
Special banner patterns (Oxeye Daisy, Creeper Skull, Wither Skeleton Skull, Enchanted Golden Apple) can now be crafted. These patterns don't consume the pattern item when used in the Loom Old recipes for banners in the crafting table have been removed ...
book enchanted fish salmon raw cake stone shovel elytra dye powder magenta tipped arrow base diamond sword stone axe reeds chicken cooked brewing stand bucket milk tipped arrow head carrot dye powder red dragon breath mushroom stew potion bottle empty rabbit raw mutton...
Golden Apple and Enchanted Apple now have colored hotbar text when selecting them (MCPE-64427) 选中金苹果和附魔金苹果时会显示一个彩色的快捷栏文本 Technical 技术性更新 Added new slash command options for '/setblock', '/fill', and '/clone' commands for passing in a list of block states to ...
Golden Apple and Enchanted Apple now have colored hotbar text when selecting them (MCPE-64427) 选中金苹果和附魔金苹果时会显示一个彩色的快捷栏文本 Technical 技术性更新 Added new slash command options for '/setblock', '/fill', and '/clone' commands for passing in a list of block states to ...