So my question to SAP, why are the existing WebDynpro based workflow inboxes not working right away out of the box? Anyway, I did not wait for this answer and "enhanced" those 2 Web-based (WD4A) workflow inboxes myself so they could cope with ALL tasks (whether they are SAPGui bas...
SAP Managed Tags: NW Java Development Infrastructure (NWDI) Hi, when you are in the NW Studio you can choose in preference/Web Dynpro/generation the jarm level. As I can see after that setting takes effect all Web Dynpro methods are measured with the jarm performance monitor because in the...
Sap Basis Information A set of middle ware programs and tools that provide the underlying base that enable applications to be inter-operable across operating systems. SAP Basis includes a RDBMS, GUI, and client server architecture. It's a piece of middle ware which links the application with ...