In this chapter, we present the place and role of the Web Dynpro within the SAP NetWeaver platform. So, we start with the layers of the SAP NetWeaver platform, we continue with the importance of the Application Platform layer, and we conclude with the place and role of Web Dynpro (ABAP ...
In ABAP, we use web dynpro. Web Dynpro is the SAP NetWeaver programming model for user interfaces and provides support when developing the Web representation of business applications. The Web Dynpro model is based on the Model View Controller paradigm, and has the following features that build on...
Mobile: +91 7200274545/9042006969.SAP ABAP Interview Questions and Answers 1. What is a client in SAP terminology?S/W component that uses the service (offered by an s/w component) is called a Client. At the same time these clients may also be servers for other services.2. What is a ...
So SAP NetWeaver 7.0 (2004s) is finally out in the open in unrestricted shipment (as of the 6th of June 2006). After a joint Ramp-up with SAP ERP 6.0 (2005), we are finally happy to make the software available to everyone. I can assume that you have a lot of questions about this...
2,909 SAP Managed Tags: UI Web Dynpro Java Hi, I am new to sap i have some questions regarding j2ee engine. 1. What is j2ee Engine in SAP 2. What features it provides 3. Why Should i Use J2ee engine?Know the answer? Help others by sharing your knowledge. Answer Need more detai...
SAP Managed Tags: UI Web Dynpro ABAP UI Web Dynpro ABAP Software Product Function View products (1) Hi, I am very new to webdynpro. I wants to know what is the use of inbound plug & outbound plug?? How can i move to one screen from another screen?? While clicking on the but...
Hello, Myself SAP web dynpro abap consultant, But now a days I am hearing about SAP UI5 technology. I don't have idea about it. Is this competitor or additional value to
What is the procedure for enabling the Debugging in WebDynpro Application Former Member on 2006 Jun 05 0 Kudos 257 SAP Managed Tags: UI Web Dynpro Java Any body aware of Enabling the Debugging option in webdynpro , that option should able to De...
New support for numerous SAP Web Dynpro ABAP controls. Unified Functional Testing 11.53 A service packUFT_00044.EXEwas released in December 2013 which has changed the version of UFT from UFT 11.52 to UFT 11.53. (This service pack can be installed directly on top of 11.50, you don’t need...
SAP NetWeaver Identity Management SAP Solution Manager Here is the list of major development tools used in SAP NetWeaver Platform ABAP Workbench SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio SAP Netweaver Development Infrastructure Visual Composer Web Dynpro SAP Enterprise Portal Content Studio SAP Composite Application Fram...