scintigraphie osseusepédiatriearthriteostéomyélitefracture en cheveutumeurs malignesSkeletal scintigraphy is a precious tool in paediatric hospital practice. Its main indications concern the early diagnosis of bone and joint infections, suspicions of bone fracture with normal initial X-ray findings and ...
Apport de la scintigraphie à l'octréoscan (OCT) en pathologie tumorale La Revue de Médecine Interne, Volume 17, Issue null, Page S88 C Ajzenberg, S Benelhadj, M Duet, L Mabille, O Mundler, A Warnet HelpYou can get the full-text article here... ...if you are: visitor...
Place de la scintigraphie des récepteurs à la somatostatine dans la prise en charge des tumeurs neuro-endocrines digestivesdoi:10.1177/076737019501000301mortalityeconomic value of lifecause of deathshealth prioritiesThis paper proposes a si...
In the last decade, their measurement has been performed with specific monoclonal antibody based ELISA assay, with a high negative predictive value of such pathologies. However these methods have a low clinical impact since they cannot be used in emergency because they are time consuming......
Autres applications de la MIBG : « applications de la scintigraphie de l’innervation myocardique à la 123-I-MIBG en neurologie »MIBG scintigraphyCardiac sympathetic denervationParkinsońs diseaseLewy bodiesAutonomic functionMyocardial 123-I-metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) imaging enables the ...
Departments were initially solicited by 2 sets of e-mails. They were subsequently contacted by phone. A single response per department was consolidated. two hundred nine responses were collected (participation rate: 99.5%). Sixty-seven percent of french centers indicated use of V/Q SPECT in ...
Continuité des soins chez les patients en post-scintigraphie et exposition du personnel à la radioactivitéConsignes de radioprotectionScintigraphiesTEP/TDM au [18F-FDG]Débits d’équivalent de doseRéglementationRelation dose–effetRayonnements ionisantsRelation linéaire sans seuil...
Four quantitative parameters were defined as follows: (a) hemovelocity and (b) blood pool (determined from the Fourier processing of angiographic data); (c) early (3-5 min) and (d) delayed (2-3 hr) bone fixation. Three significant stages of RSD were demonstrated......
It should be performed almost routinely on every patient scheduled for a bone scan.doi:10.1016/j.mednuc.2012.09.002Dumont, M.C?té, C.Elsevier Masson SASMedecine NucleaireDumont, M., Cote, C., 2012. La scintigraphie osseuse en trois phases pancorporelles. Medecine Nucleaire 36, 678-686....
The patient reported a 10-day yellow-green discharge from the left eye. Tc-99m HMDP bone scintigraphy (whole-body and...doi:10.1016/j.jfo.2010.08.002Guignier, B.Desjardins, L.Bourahla, K.Journal francais d'ophtalmologie