Four quantitative parameters were defined as follows: (a) hemovelocity and (b) blood pool (determined from the Fourier processing of angiographic data); (c) early (3-5 min) and (d) delayed (2-3 hr) bone fixation. Three significant stages of RSD were demonstrated......
Apport de la scintigraphie à l'octréoscan (OCT) en pathologie tumorale La Revue de Médecine Interne, Volume 17, Issue null, Page S88 C Ajzenberg, S Benelhadj, M Duet, L Mabille, O Mundler, A Warnet HelpYou can get the full-text article here... ...if you are: visitor...
Place de la scintigraphie des récepteurs à la somatostatine dans la prise en charge des tumeurs neuro-endocrines digestivesdoi:10.1177/076737019501000301mortalityeconomic value of lifecause of deathshealth prioritiesThis paper proposes a si...
In the last decade, their measurement has been performed with specific monoclonal antibody based ELISA assay, with a high negative predictive value of such pathologies. However these methods have a low clinical impact since they cannot be used in emergency because they are time consuming......
Autres applications de la MIBG : « applications de la scintigraphie de l’innervation myocardique à la 123-I-MIBG en neurologie »MIBG scintigraphyCardiac sympathetic denervationParkinsońs diseaseLewy bodiesAutonomic functionMyocardial 123-I-metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) imaging enables the ...
scintigraphie osseusepédiatriearthriteostéomyélitefracture en cheveutumeurs malignesSkeletal scintigraphy is a precious tool in paediatric hospital practice. Its main indications concern the early diagnosis of bone and joint infections, suspicions of bone fracture with normal initial X-ray findings and ...
It should be performed almost routinely on every patient scheduled for a bone scan.doi:10.1016/j.mednuc.2012.09.002Dumont, M.C?té, C.Elsevier Masson SASMedecine NucleaireDumont, M., Cote, C., 2012. La scintigraphie osseuse en trois phases pancorporelles. Medecine Nucleaire 36, 678-686....
Chaumet-Riffaud, P.Elsevier Masson SASMedecine NucleaireL. Vija , F. Archambaud , P. Chaumet-Riffaud . (2012) Scintigraphie osseuse et déficit en IGF1 : présentation d’un cas clinique. Médecine Nucléaire 36 , 399-402 Online publication date: 1-Jul-2012. /...
IRMFracture occultePoignetScaphoïdeScintigraphic osseuseThe diagnosis of wrist fractures, especially scaphoid fractures, remains a challenge because of non-union risk. Currently new hybrid technologies are emerging such as single photon emission computed tomography鈥揷omputed tomography (SPECT/CT) systems,...
ScintigraphyTo evaluate the sanitary impact of the exposure of a patient after a scintigraphy, for the caregivers and medical staff. Measurements of dose equivalent rate were taken on contact and at several distances and times for 30 patients of the department of nuclear medicine in the CHRU of...