验证数据 图1:荧光检测 Emx1-Cre; R26-tdTomato小鼠大脑中tdTomato的表达情况。 A. Scale bar=200μm B. Scale bar=100μm C. Scale bar=10μm Hippo: Hippocampus; Sn: Substantia nigra. 你也可能感兴趣
Cre重组酶在雄性生殖细胞中也有表达。Emx1-Cre;floxed双突变雄性与floxed雌性交配产生了一些带有floxed等位基因生殖系缺失的后代。 5.研究应用 研究方向及表型: 工具鼠(前脑发育和功能的研究) 具体内容及相关参考文献: 将Emx1-cre与R26R品系杂交,cre介导的重组会导致侧翼序列的组织特异性缺失。重组发生在大约88%的新...
88 p. 网络访问控制的语义相容性快速分析技术研究与实现 64 p. 石墨烯及金属氧化物石墨烯复合材料的制备及其在生物传感器中的应用 69 p. 深度学习在药物虚拟筛选大规模化合物数据库中的应用 59 p. 面向影音业务的移动宽带通信节带化技术研究 63 p. 螺纹联接自动拆装柔性机械手控制系统研究 129 p. 近...
Emx1 is a mouse homologue of the Drosophila homeobox gene empty spiracles and its expression is restricted to the neurons in the developing and adult cerebral cortex and hippocampus. We reported previously the creation of a line of transgenic mice in which the cre gene was placed directly downstr...
Disclosed herein are an α 1/CaV3.1 double knockout mouse or α 1;Emx1-Cre mouse with enhanced essential tremor and a screening method of therapeutic agents for essential tremor by using the same. The α 1/CaV3.1 double knockout mouse or α 1;Emx1-Cre mouse of the present invention ...
验证数据 图1:荧光检测 Emx1-Cre; R26-tdTomato小鼠大脑中tdTomato的表达情况。 A. Scale bar=200μm B. Scale bar=100μm C. Scale bar=10μm Hippo: Hippocampus; Sn: Substantia nigra. 你也可能感兴趣
PTP1B fl/fl-Emx1-Cre and littermate PTP1B fl/fl controls were subjected to the Barnes maze.Federico FuentesDerek ZimmerMarybless AtienzaJamie SchottenfeldIan PenkalaTracy BaleKendra K. BenceCarlos O. Arregui
本研究分别选用了 Emx1IRES-Cre,D6-Cre和hGFAP-Cre三种在背侧端脑中特异性表达的Cre小鼠对Dicer进行条件性敲除(分别简称为ED,DD,HD).结果证实了 Dicer对大脑发育是必须的,三者均导致端脑变小,皮层变薄,海马形态异常.通过对皮层神经元标志物进行分析发现,Cux1+的浅层神经元与Sox5+深层神经元分布颠倒,部分神经...
Emx1IRES-Cre, D6-Cre and hGFAP-Cre are commonly used to conditionally manipulate gene expression or lineage tracing because of their specificity in the dorsal telencephalon during early neurogenesis as previously described. However, the spatiotemporal differences in Cre recombinase activity would lead ...