Numerous theories were developed by medieval authors, including a number featuring Livia Drusilla, the wife of Augustus and the first imperial consort, or empress, of Rome, and these theories were incorporated into their introductions to Ovid's works. This paper explores the associa...
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Livia Drusilla was Caesar Augustus’s devoted and influential wife who counseled him on affairs of state and who, in her efforts to secure the imperial succession for her son Tiberius, was reputed to have caused the deaths of many of his rivals, includin
With Agrippa’s death in 12bc, Augustus’ wife, Livia, was able to convince him to favour her own sons by a former marriage,Tiberiusand Drusus, as possible successors; Augustus forced Tiberius to divorce his wife and marry Julia in 11bc. It was an unwanted and unhappy marriage for both...