Livia Drusilla was Caesar Augustus’s devoted and influential wife who counseled him on affairs of state and who, in her efforts to secure the imperial succession for her son Tiberius, was reputed to have caused the deaths of many of his rivals, includin
Finally, there was an official form of pseudo-marriage calledconcubinage, where a woman would live with a man and be his sexual partner, but was technically not his wife. This was usually done when the woman was of a lower social class than the man, making legal marriage an impossibility...
Galla Placidia: The Last Roman Empress by Hagith Sivan Generalissimos of the Western Roman Empire by John Michael O'Flynn Germanicus: The Magnificent Life and Mysterious Death of Rome's Most Popular General by Lindsay Powell Ghosts of Vesuvius by Charles Pellegrino Gladiator: Rome's Bloody Spect...
Vesuvius.If so, then her plan worked, because following Augustus's death, Tiberius became the second emperor of Rome -- only for his authority to be challenged by the antics of another Roman empress, his own wife, Julia.At 27, Julia had already been widowed twice and borne six children....
Titus, the older brother of the notorious emperor Domitian and son ofEmperor Vespasianand his wife Domitilla, was born December 30 around 41 A.D. He grew up in the company of Britannicus, son ofEmperor Claudiusand shared his training. This meant Titus had enough military training and was...
The Roman Empire was one of the longest lasting forms of imperial government in the history of the world. Its political structure was always headed by a single individual. Answer and Explanation: A Roman empress was the wife of a Roman emperor. However, throughout the history of the Western...
What percentage of the Roman population was composed of slaves? Livia Empress who used her role as wife to Augustus to influence Roman politics Sparticus Gladiator that led a 2 year slave rebellion of 70,000 in 73 B.C. barter to exchange goods without using money ...
JULIUS CAESAR’s COMET Ancient Roman COIN of Emperor Augustus from 18BC Historical Artifact of Event ALL AUGUSTUS SILVER COINS AVAILABLE ...
Saint Helena Roman Empress Mother of Constantine the Great - SEARCH for her coins in my Store Constantine I 'The Great'- Roman Emperor: 307-337 A.D. - SEARCH for her coins in my Store Fausta, Roman empress wife of Constantine I the Great Maximinus II Daia Roman Emperor 308-312...
Unlike such previous imperial women asLivia Drusilla (wife of Augustus), Messalina and Agrippina (wives ofClaudius- with the latter being the mother of Nero), the women in Trajan's life were considered positive influences and were honored for their service to the empire rather than vilified in...