find interesting studies on the role of urban and rural areas as places where people live (Ohlander et al.,2005; Rosenfeld & Kim,2005, and Black et al.,2007). Attitudes towards homosexuality in Asia, i.e., Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam are studied...
In this article, we’re not talking about the ‘why’ when it comes to employee movement. Instead, we’re looking at how you can leverage the situation to have yourbest recruitment year ever. What is talent sourcing? Talent sourcing is the process of finding and attracting exceptional and q...
Unemployment of educated youth in Asia: A comparative analysis of the situation in India, Bangladesh and the Philippines This study of unemployment among university graduates in West Bengal (India), Bangladesh, and the Philippines provides socioeconomic and educational charac... AK Das,UNESCO-IIEP -...
This may be because our law does not impose any minimum standards on employers. PIDA is only concerned about “after the event” retaliation. There is no positive requirement for organisations in the UK to have any particular whistleblowing process (outside a few regulated sectors, such asfinanc...
Now, this shocked me. In all the searching and transition to the new job I had completely forgotten to check my old visa. I had come back after Christmas and assumed I was on a Visitor visa, or that my Employment visa hadn’t run out, because I was allowed back...
Estoce, R.H.Y.; Ngan, O.M.Y.; Calderon, P.E.E. How Do COVID-19 Vaccine Policies Affect the Young Working Class in the Philippines?Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health2023,20, 2593. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Kapitsinis, N.; Sykas, G.; Kanelleas, A.; Psarologos, D.;...