The lack of internal and external financial balance which has persisted in the Philippines since the end of the war was even more pronounced in 1949 and reached critical proportions by the end of the year. Reduced export income and a sustained import demand carried the trade deficit to an all...
Second, the focus was on the overall and general global situation, whereas it would be helpful to discuss local or more specific contexts where COVID-19 had had such a huge impact. The indicated limitations would be minimized by future studies that will be detailed and quantitative in nature....
In 2023, China’s GDP growth faced pressure due in part to a decline in industrial value-added output. Some provinces experienced a reduction in industrial revenue, prompting discussions about the challenges within the industrial sector. However, analyzing the situation requires a nuanced ap...
Although growth in the ASEAN region has moderated slightly, it remains healthy. Despite the absence of positive spillover from China’s reopening, we expect several ASEAN economies – including Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines – to grow more than 5% in 2023, and Thailand and Malaysia to...
On this note, the countries in the Global South, like my country, the Philippines, can be inspired by the Chinese experience of development and modernization rooted in one's country's historical experience, and without losing one's country's independence, its identity, culture, distinct values,...
Researchers have long been interested in the impact of poverty on life satisfaction, as well as in the buffering role of religion within this association.
Sunday 31 Dec 2023 China (Mainland) NBS PMI (Dec) Monday 1 Jan 2024 US, Canada, Brazil, UK, Eurozone, Switzerland, Norway, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Mainland China, Singapore, Hong Kong SAR, South Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia, Philippines, South Africa Market Holidays ...
With the world witnessing a slowdown, from Europe to China, the relatively high U.S. interest rates result in a strong dollar. This potent currency situation isn’t just a Chinese concern; many emerging markets grapple with the dollar’s strength. ...
2023. Pakistan has certainly made some gains but the situation is not enviable as almost half of the women in the age group of 15-25 are uneducated. Its education system is ranked among the least effective. One in ten of the world’s primary-age children who are out of school live in...
Canadian landing:The macro situation in Canada is much more dire than in the US. The Canadian economy has an argument for the most disappointing advanced economy year-to-date. The job market is deteriorating quickly, especially when adjusting for working population growth and government hiring. We...