HUMAN rightsLABOR lawsEMPLOYEE attitudesMany employers in Mauritius require their prospective or existing employees to submit a certificate of character, formerly a certificate of morality, to find out whether or not such employees have criminal records. In Mauritius a person with a crim...
Japan has a robust legal framework that protects intellectual property rights, providing a secure environment for business growth. Global Business Hub Japan is a gateway to the broader Asian market, with extensive trade networks and favourable business partnerships. ...
It would perhaps be more appropriate if we refer to AI as a mega trend, rather than a key trend for 2025, but whatever it is called, it cannot be ignored. This year, we will see more on the race for supremacy amongst jurisdictions such as the US and key stakeholders, such as the E...
which was to be transposed by November 2024. However, questions remain over the EU’s authority in this area, potentially complicating the European Union’s role in protecting worker rights.
discrimination. Furthermore, the three Finnish most important trade unions aim to promote LGBTI rights. In particular, as stated by Frick (2016) they stress the need for a reform of the Non-Discrimination Act (see Ministry of Justice Finland,2022). They also participated to the Helsinki Pride...
RegionofPeople’sRepublicofChina),Macedonia,Malaysia,Mauritius,Mexico,Monaco,Montenegro, Netherlands,Nicaragua,NewZealand,Panama,Paraguay,Rumania,Salvador,SaintKittsandNevis,SanMarino, Serbia,Seychelles,Singapore,SouthKorea,Taiwan,UnitedKingdomofGreatBritainandNorthernIreland,United ...