就业准证Employment Pass 就是其中一种工作签证,简称EP。这是新加坡人力部MOM签发的希望在新加坡合法工作的外国经理或高管类等专业人士的一种新加坡工作签证。要获得EP的资格,必须要有新加坡公司的offer,并满足最低工资要求。就业准证持有人也可能有资格申请新加坡永久居留权SPR。 就业准证的好处: -- 即是签证也是工作...
新加坡就业准证 Employment Pass in Singapore 新加坡一直都是最受外国人欢迎的国家之一,经济发达,生活安全,税率低,还有很多就业机会。如果外国人打算在新加坡工作,需要提前办理有效的通行证,也称为工作准证或工作签证。就业准证Employment Pass 就是其中一种工作签证,简称EP。这是新加坡人力部MOM签发的希望在新加坡合法工作...
The Employment Pass in Singapore (EP) is a type of work visa that is designed for managers, executives, specialists and other skilled professionals who wish to work in Singapore. The Ministry of Manpower (MOM)oversees the application and issuance of theSingapore Employment Passandallows entreprene...
Singapore Employment Pass (EP)An EP (Singapore Employment Pass) is a type of work visa that is designed for managers, executives, specialists and other skilled professionals who wish to work in Singapore. When you have incorporated a company in Singapore, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) allows...
|Singapore Employment Pass|Education Cert Verification 凯斯咨询KSBUSINESS 195 0 01:24 新加坡EP自雇就业移民03 考小尼 89 0 03:45 带你看看新加坡居民区,保证让你大吃一惊 狮城大猫 1.0万 15 01:07 移民小知识:新加坡自雇移民需要公司有运营基础吗? 亚太环球移民 66 0 10:41 新加坡移民好简单...
Obtain an Employment Pass in Singapore Exemptions to COMPASS Requirements Some exemptions will also be possible from the COMPASS framework of New Employment Pass for applicants fulfilling at least 1 of the following conditions to be eligible to Employment Pass in Singapore: Applicant’s fixed...
这两位客户,之前就听新加坡一个中国”朋友”说投资他的公司就可以办理就业准证Employment Pass,所以来找我们求证和咨询。 这个“朋友”说的可行吗? 答案是,No!No!No!大家记住,(划重点!)在新加坡,只有建立雇佣关系,才有Employment Pass的存在。办理就业准证与是否投资没有任何关系,主要是看学历和公司运营情况。
This work pass is intended for serial entrepreneurs, high-calibre innovators or experienced investors that want to operate a business in Singapore. Who is eligible EntrePass is open to all nationalities. You can apply for an EntrePass if you: ...
新加坡雇主担保移民政策是新加坡人力部设置的可申请新加坡永久居民身份的两种工作准证。分为Employment Pass(EP)和 S Pass(Skilled Staff Pass) 两类。适用于有意在新加坡从事行政、管理和技术类工作的海外专业人士。
Singapore Employment Pass (“EP”) is a type of work visa that is designed for managers, executives, specialists and other skilled professionals who wish to work in Singapore. Ministry of Manpower of Singapore (“MOM”) also allows entrepreneurs to apply for an EP after they have incorporated...