employeebehavior,andensuretheorderofproductionand operationofthecompany,accordingtotheChinesepeople's common Thelaborlawofthepeople'sRepublicofChina,thelabor contractlawofthePeople'sRepublicofChina,andthe regulationsofthePeople'sRepublicofChinaonthe
During submitted his resignation period, must still comply with company rules and regulations, cannot refuse related work arrangement, or manger have the right to punish according to the rules. 23、因不服从领导安排被工厂开除的员工,工厂领导有权按情节轻重给予相应处理。 以上规定在通知之日起实行,望...
Any disclosure of the information of the salary, subsidy, bonus and/or other benefits committed by the employee shall be deemed as a serious violation of the rules and regulations of the Company, which will result in disciplinary action which could result in termination.SalaryThe salary is paid...
20、period, must still comply with company rules and regulations, cannot refuse related work arrangement, or manger have the right to punish according to the rules.23、因不服从领导安排被工厂开除的员工,工厂领导有权按情节轻重给予相应处理。以上规定在通知之日起实行,望各位员工共同遵守,如有违反,工厂有...
员工纪律与行为规范(Employeedisciplineandcodeofconduct) Employeedisciplineandcodeofconduct 1.Allemployeesofthecompanyshallcomplywiththefollowing provisions: 1.Complywithalltherules,regulationsandannouncementsof thecompany; 2,gotoworkontime,workontime,notlate,donotleaveearly; 3,theworkoftheworkforthetimelimit...
V 公司规章制度 Company Rules and Regulations 25 5.1 纪律 Disciplines 25 5.2 个人资料的变更 Changes of personal information 26 5.3 考勤 Attendance 26 5.4 衣着 Dressing 27 5.5 个人财产 Personal property 27 5.6 环境整洁及禁烟工厂 Clean environment and non-smoking manufacture 27 ...
[translate] a7. The Employee will at all times comply with the terms and conditions of this agreement and the rules and regulations of the Employer。 7.员工始终将遵守条款和这项协议和雇主的规则和规则的条件? [translate] 英语翻译 日语翻译 韩语翻译 德语翻译 法语翻译 俄语翻译 阿拉伯语翻译 西班牙...
Office of Regulations and Interpretations Employee Benefits Security Administration Room N-5655 US Department of Labor 200 ConsClassification
Rules and regulations should be same for every employee. How can you scold your executive when the Vice President or General Manager also comes late to work? There is absolutely no need of granting any special liberties to people representing top management. If you do so, please do not blame...
Legal compliance and harm prevention, as we believe necessary (i) to comply with applicable law, rules and regulations; (ii) to enforce our contractual rights; (iii) to investigate possible wrongdoing in connection with our company; (iv) to protect and defend the rights, privacy, safety and ...