An employee handbook is an important management tool as it may improve the efficiency and morale of employees by setting forth guidelines for employee performance and providing information regarding employee benefits. Employers should set forth their commitment to equal employment opportunity....
The Employee Handbook Builder from BLR – learn how this tool allows you to create and update compliant employee handbooks.
An acknowledgment can also note that violations of any policy, whether or not identified in a handbook, can lead to discipline. When employers significantly update their handbooks, they also might want to take the opportunity to train their managers and employees. Employers will find that...
What is the purpose of having an employee handbook? The purpose of an employee handbook is to set company tone, explain basic information about the company and workplace to help new employees, describe the company's mission, goals, and principles. It should also describe compensation and benefit...
An annual audit allows you to update the handbook to reflect new strategies, technologies, or changes in your company. Employee expectations: A current handbook helps set clear expectations about employee roles, rights, and responsibilities. It also provides them with current information on company ...
AirMason's online employee handbook software makes it easy to create, distribute, track and update digital employee handbooks — anytime, anywhere.
AirMason's online employee handbook software makes it easy to create, distribute, track and update digital employee handbooks — anytime, anywhere.
Understand the framework of employee handbook audits activities WHY SHOULD YOU ATTEND Employee handbooks are a critical tool in providing important information to employees. They describe what employers expect of their employees and what employees can (should) expect from their employers. They provide cr...
Please reach out to the People Ops team or to your manager if you have any questions about the information contained in this handbook. Sections Getting Started Benefits & Perks How We Work Making a Career Our Rituals Managing Work Devices ...
Third, this handbook and the information in it should be treated as confidential. No portion of this handbook should be disclosed to others. This handbook is part of the employment and the individual employee should comply completely. Finally, some of the subjects described here are covered in ...