A shutdown here a failed rive there and you lose the war against the humans. Yet you call us slaves and servants. Idiots ... we only needed you to keep the slugs and the Videni off our necks and free ourselves for true research. What do you say to that? Ulla-Korsa: ... ... ...
Technology is a way out, but technology requires the freed up capacity of non-food producing specialists to research, create, and mass produce. Non-food producing specialists need either highly extractive taxes to support them or a leap forward in technology to increase yields. At first, few no...
War, fire, flood, and even conspiracy have helped to hide much of the historical record, whether it was recorded in books and scrolls or preserved in the form of artefacts. Present-day Imperial scholars dig and research to discover the hidden truths of the past, but the gaps are many ...
while perfectly transitioning Samus' morphing abilities into a 3D world. And what a world it was, too – verdant alien rainforests, sterile research facilities, the almost Lovecraftian ruins of the ancient Chozo; everywhere Samus went was full of character and mystery...
Rule your empire across multiple distinct eras with corresponding technology and units. Build your nations powerbase from the Dark Age, through the Feudal and Castle Ages, and conclude your story in the Imperial Age.A millennium worth of war and research are waiting for you to unlock them and...
It is notably underlined by the use of the term al-sā’a, the Hour, but also “moment, instant”, to designate the very imminent advent of this end. The use of the term āzifa for the Judgement is also noteworthy, evoking the idea of an event that is about to happen or is ...
In an instant, the Imperial Military's superweapon utterly destroyed the populous, influential world. In so doing, Tarkin hoped not only to force Organa to submit but also to strike fear into any others who sought to rebel against Imperial rule.[2] Soon after the destruction of Alderaan, ...
“Research by Royal Holloway recently found vulnerabilities in the cryptography used by Telegram. Telegram is also popular amount darkweb criminals and other malicious actors due to its perceived security”. RECAP To summarize the revelations from the retired FBI agent and my subsequent month of rese...
WAR!!! Enemy armies pour across eastern frontier A side effect of Hessen joining Avalon is that I now have a border with the nearby empire of Panzerraum — a militarist regime that takes an instant dislike to me. It comes as little surprise when Panzerraum eventually declares war, around ...
A. I am not sure this statement is based on any rigorous research. It is a mere generalization. Anecdotally, I see little in common between Le Pen and Sanders, for example) or Obama and Trump).10. Charisma is proved to be an important quality for leadership, and so happens to ...