A shutdown here a failed rive there and you lose the war against the humans. Yet you call us slaves and servants. Idiots ... we only needed you to keep the slugs and the Videni off our necks and free ourselves for true research. What do you say to that? Ulla-Korsa: ... ... ...
Technology is a way out, but technology requires the freed up capacity of non-food producing specialists to research, create, and mass produce. Non-food producing specialists need either highly extractive taxes to support them or a leap forward in technology to increase yields. At first, few no...
while perfectly transitioning Samus' morphing abilities into a 3D world. And what a world it was, too – verdant alien rainforests, sterile research facilities, the almost Lovecraftian ruins of the ancient Chozo; everywhere Samus went was full of character and mystery...
War, fire, flood, and even conspiracy have helped to hide much of the historical record, whether it was recorded in books and scrolls or preserved in the form of artefacts. Present-day Imperial scholars dig and research to discover the hidden truths of the past, but the gaps are many ...
otherwise down-to-Earth characters, the sort of blue-collar family usually seen in kitchen sink dramas. See it as a critique of American foreign policy or government's oppression of the working man, but either way a film that can go from horror to humour to tragedy this fast deserves our...
The classic 4X strategy game 4X: My Empire is shockingly logged in! In the tens of thousands of kilometers of 3D war world, players can build and manage their own empire. By exploring new lands, building cities, mining resources and developing technology
[6] The Republic's Phase II clone trooper armor would begin a phase out and be replaced by superior stormtrooper armor, whose development had been headed by the Imperial Department of Military Research.[37] Continuing clean-up[] "They want the Empire to collapse the same way some hoped ...
Rule your empire across multiple distinct eras with corresponding technology and units. Build your nations powerbase from the Dark Age, through the Feudal and Castle Ages, and conclude your story in the Imperial Age.A millennium worth of war and research are waiting for you to unlock them and...
在“创建者收藏”背后是成千上万个游戏开发者,它能带给您各种令人激动而且非常好玩的游戏。Xbox Live 的功能因游戏而异;详情请参见“功能”。 此版本的新增功能 * Added fast scroll Up/Down in many menus and screens. * Improved game UI, Speed and Stability. * Updated many countries' armies, relation...