Conjugation of ‘Empezar’ and ‘Comenzar’ in Spanish By Gerald Erichsen When either verb is followed by agerund, it often has the meaning of "to begin by" or "to start out": Empezó estudiando en el taller del escultor famoso.She started out studying in the famous sculptor's studio. C...
Fabricio Oberto has not played for six years. He still misses high competition and is looking for a way to reinvent himself. The encounter with his former companions of the Golden Generation illuminates the different paths they took to give new meaning to their lives. From his rock band to ...
选择恰当动词的简单过去时填空 averiguar, empezar, gustar, llegar, llevar, regalar, sacar, salir, terminar, trabajar, vender 1. Cuando de llover,nosotros a dar un paseo.的答案是什么.用刷刷题APP,拍照搜索答疑.刷刷题(是专业的大学职业搜题找答案,