"Comenzar" in Spanish means "to begin" in English in its infinitive form. Once conjugated, it describes someone who begins something. It is one of the two verbs that mean this in Spanish; it is used interchangeably with "empezar" in Latin America and less frequently in Spain.Comenzar...
For present tense ''dar'' conjugation, irregular conjugation occurs in the first person (yo) form of ''dar'' and the second person plural and informal (vosotros) form of ''dar.'' The second person singular and informal (tú) form of ''dar,'' the third person singular (él/ella) '...
Now that you have a lot of information about the form of verbs, do you dare to discover how we form verbs? regular verbs in spanish? We are going to see the verb forms in the present tense with this list of regular verbs. Person/Subject BAIL-AR APREND-ER VIV-IR Yo bail-o apr...
Now that you are clear about the present form of regular and irregular verbs in Spanish, and that you surely know how to conjugate it perfectly, the most important moment has arrived:when do we use the present? Below we’ll explain thefour basic ways we useusesof the present tense so th...
Activity: Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb 'ver'. Don Pedro: Hola Marta, ¿cómo estás? (Hello Marta, how are you?) Marta: Hola Don Pedro, muy bien gracias, ¿y usted? (Hello, Don Pedro, very well, thanks, and you?) Don Pedro: Bien, gracias. .....
From this example, you can see that this tense involves the use of the verbestar(ehs-TAHR) in the present tense , which also means 'to be'. To make the present progressive, add the correct form ofestarplus the verbser, which has the ending-iendo(the Spanish equivalent of 'ing'). ...
Learn about the present progressive tense in Spanish. Discover how to use the verb "estar" in tandem with gerunds to form common phrases in the...
Present ofCaer The verbcaerbelongs to the second group of Spanish verbs, that is, those ending in-ER. As such, it follows the regular conjugation pattern in the present tense, except for the first person singular, which has a special form:caigo. ...
All verbs in this lesson are conjugated in the indicative form. Lesson Quiz Course 94Kviews Correrin Present Tense We use the present tense of a verb when we want to talk about things that happen repeatedly in the present. The verbcorreris regular in the present tense. ...