Emotional self-regulation through music in 3-8-year-old childrenSuvi Saarikallio
A Comfort Corner provides little ones with a safe haven to regroup, learn & center themselves. Helping cultivate emotional regulation skills. Shop Now!
Emotional regulation is studied from the angle of coping strategies. Sample(s): Participants were 269 children aged 8.17-11.66 years old (Mean = 9.8, SD = 0.88). Methods: They completed a French version of the 'The Metacognitive Experiences Questionnaire' developed by Efklides and Petkaki (...
This review provides a developmental outline of emotional regulation and its relation to emotional development throughout the life-span. The biological foundations of emotional self-regulation and individual differences in regulatory tendencies are summarized. Extrinsic influences on the early regulation of ...
as well as caregiver stress during the pandemic as reported by 229 caregivers of 3 to 5 year old children. Respondents were predominantly White (n = 175) and female with high levels of education and income. In addition, 94% of caregivers were biological/parental caregivers. Children enroll...
The emotional expression of an infant evolves rapidly during the first two years of their life. Learn about infants' emotional development and the main changes in their first two years of life, including self-understanding their feelings and understanding others. Emotional Development Cece is a new...
unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. ...
Eligibility criteria included: (1) age of 18 to 35 years old; (2) United States or Canada nationality; (3) English first language; (4) normal or corrected-to-normal vision; (5) no history of serious head injuries (e.g., concussion); (6) previously participation in 50 studies on ...
The task used in this study is based on the public speaking paradigm of the TSST, which is often used to measure ANS regulation during stress and has been found to provoke the most robust arousal responses when compared with other stress tasks (Dickerson and Kemeny2004). The task was adapted...
Age was not analysed because, due to the inclusion criteria, the sample was not diversified (21–24 years old). Regarding the economic status we analysed: employment during Covid-19 and nowadays (yes vs. no), financial situation in the previous year (1-very difficult, 6- very good), ...