Discord Emojis, Slack Emojis and more. Easily browse and use thousands of custom emojis for your Discord server or Slack group. Browse emoji categories such as thinking, anime, meme, pepe, blobs and more.
Find the best Discord Emojis. Browse 352,600+ of the best custom emoji to make your Discord server, Slack group, or Microsoft Teams channel stand out.
Backup Emoji Bot is the perfect tool to backup and manage all the emojis on your Discord server. You can easily create, delete, upload, and list your emoji backups. Each backup comes with a unique ID and the number of saved emojis, allowing you to keep track of your backups. Simplify...
同时连接一个 Discord 适配器 bot 和一个 OneBot V11 适配器 bot,创建一个事件响应器如下:matcher = on_message() @matcher.handle() async def handle_message(message: UniMsg) -> None: bot = nonebot.get_bot(...) # 一个 OneBot V11 适配器类型的 bot 实例 await message.send(target=Target(.....
# 需要导入模块: import discord [as 别名]# 或者: from discord importEmoji[as 别名]defconvert(self, ctx, argument):match = self._get_id_match(argument)orre.match(r'$', argument) result =Nonebot = ctx.bot guild = ctx.guildifmatchisNone:# Try to...
翻译:疯狂的技术宅来源:toptal 类型和可测试代码是避免错误的两种最有效方法,尤其是代码随会时间而变化。...为了简单起见,我们的机器人只做一件事:它将扫描传入的消息,如果其中包含单词“ping”,我们将用一个 Discord bot 命令让机器人对那个用户响应“pong! “。.
# 需要导入模块: import discord [as 别名]# 或者: from discord importPartialEmoji[as 别名]def__eq__(self, other):returnself.id == other.idandisinstance(other, (type(self), discord.PartialEmoji, discord.Emoji)) 开发者ID:EmoteBot,项目名称:EmoteCollector,代码行数:4,代码来源:db.py ...
简介 EmojiSwap is the global emoji trading market. Trade rare emojis, play games, and build your collection. Here's how it works: 1. Spin to mint your collection of 5 emojis. Can you score a legendary? 2. Plug your collection into the arcade. Play games, climb the leaderboards, and ...
或者去 Midjourney 的官网点击右下角的 Join the Beta: 2:在 Discord 公共服务器里使... AIGC 2024-04-11 AIGC 601阅读 Midjourney从入门到实战:图像生成命令及参数详解 目录0 专栏介绍 1 Midjourney Bot常用命令 2 Midjourney绘图指令格式 3 Midjourney绘图指令参数 3.1 模型及版本 3.2 画面比例 ...
比较两个相等的表情时,Discord.py返回false 、 我正在尝试让代码在特定的表情符号对消息做出反应时做一些事情。我检查了message_id,它们是相等的,但是为了比较表情符号,它总是返回false。@bot.event print(payload.emoji) print(payload.emoji =if payload.message_id == 829497764290625576 and payload.emoji == '...