Find the best Discord Emojis. Browse 352,600+ of the best custom emoji to make your Discord server, Slack group, or Microsoft Teams channel stand out.
A Python program that lets you use Google's Gemini API to create an interactive bot that can respond to text, images, audio, and videos on discord. Currently this version is made for personal use or with a small group of know (group of frineds/ small server or similar) Information on ...
Using Emojis allow you to offer a multiple reaction poll to your users. A multiple reaction poll lets your users choose multiple emojis to show how they actually feel. You can also specify how long users have to respond before their votes are counted by setting an expiration date for the ...
示例1: respond_to_card_names ▲点赞 6▼ # 需要导入模块: import discord [as 别名]# 或者: from discord importClient[as 别名]defrespond_to_card_names(message: Message, client:Client)->None:# Don't parse messages with Gatherer URLs because they use square brackets in the querystring.if'gath...
Option to have bot randomly respond to some messages without being @'ed first Talk to your AI in the command line in "test mode" with no Discord required And a few more are new to this fork: Lightning-fast generation times (in my tests, the GPT-2 124M model averaged 2.58s from ment...
Ask some questions, and RBXBolt will respond if they match any of the auto responders your server has created. Reaction Roles You can change your role simply by reacting to emojis in a message. Metrics ?? Users who have verified their accounts using RBXBolt. ...
"**Please note that the bot needs the following permissions:**\n1) View Channels\n2) Send Messages\n3) Embed Links\n4) Read Message History\n5) Use External Emojis\n6) Add Reactions\n", "If by any chance, the bot doesn't respond in your server, please check the permissions it has....
Now open your Discord server and go to the channel created for your BOT. You should see (my channel name is #botsignup): Using The BOT: Now that you have your BOT launched, how does it work? Adding Yourself To A Role: From the main launch screen people can click on the emojis (...
Another amazing automating feature on ProBot is setting up automatic responses to the messages. You can set up a trigger word which when ProBot detects, will respond automatically with the preset message you have recorded before. 1.To set up, click on theAuto Responderoption in the left sideb...