Geological storage of carbon dioxide is easier in some locations than others and the opportunity to pair bioenergy production with CCS for negative emissions may only reside in certain places. It is also clear that natural carbon storage through reforestation will only be possible at large scale in...
aMap of Northern India and sampling site locations: Upwind to downwind – Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University (CCSHAU Hisar, Haryana - rural background), Institute of Tropical Meteorology Delhi (IITM Delhi - urban background), Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi - urb...
The particle counts increased 18–26 fold at locations near the airport, downwind, and 4-fold at locations up to 1 km from the airport. Results show that particle number increased with the number of flights and decreased with the distance to the airport [91]. Pirhadi et al. (2020): ...
After pixel screening, an OMI pixel averaging or oversampling procedure26,27 is used to resolve potential locations of SO2 emissions and produce global maps similar to those shown in Fig. 1. To further enhance SciEnTific REpOrtS | 7:44095 | DOI: 10.1038/srep44095 2
At some locations pharmaceuticals are already present at levels deemed unsafe, classifying them as a global threat to both human and environmental health (Wilkinson et al., 2022). The global consumption of pharmaceuticals has increased over the last decades (Klein et al., 2018) and is expected ...
These devices are easy to transport and due to this, numerous locations can be analyzed within a short period. By contrast, portability of eddy covariance systems (mounted on poles) is limited. Chamber systems have the lowest material costs compared to the other methods (Wang et al., 2013a)...
a fuel far more attractive. Electrolysis may be a big loser, but then again maybe not – hydrogen will still be hard to transport, and if the use of hydrogen becomes far more widespread, then there may well be interest in producing it by electrolysis in locations further from hydrogen ...
EVAP Vent Valve: The evaporative canister vent valve not only allows the fresh outside air to the EVAP canister during the purge modes, but also allows the diagnostic to pull a vacuum on the fuel tank by closing the vent valve. This valve is normally open....
and final consumption was larger than that of emissions. This is because the transfer of emissions was related to the changes in manufacturing locations driven by international trade, while the transfer of health impacts was attributed to the combined effects of transboundary atmospheric transport and ...
generating capacities, geographic locations, etc. The dataset facilitates power emission characterization and clean air policy-making, and the CEMS-based estimation method can be employed by other countries seeking to regulate their power emissions....