Box 5.3 Locations of Airborne Smoke Plume SamplingFour contemporary peer-review studies have reported detailed NMOG analysis of smoke plumes sampled from airborne platforms: Burling et al. (2011), Simpson et al. (2011), Akagi et al. (2013), and Liu et al. (2017). The most frequently ...
aMap of Northern India and sampling site locations: Upwind to downwind – Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University (CCSHAU Hisar, Haryana - rural background), Institute of Tropical Meteorology Delhi (IITM Delhi - urban background), Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi - urb...
Geological storage of carbon dioxide is easier in some locations than others and the opportunity to pair bioenergy production with CCS for negative emissions may only reside in certain places. It is also clear that natural carbon storage through reforestation will only be possible at large scale in...
generating capacities, geographic locations, etc. The dataset facilitates power emission characterization and clean air policy-making, and the CEMS-based estimation method can be employed by other countries seeking to regulate their power emissions. Machine-accessible metadata file describing the reported d...
such as Boeing are currently in the production of aircraft that can transport passengers solely on sustainable alternative fuels [66]. Biofuels should not be sourced from valuable resources, competing with food sources, but sustainable ones, and they can be produced in many geographical locations. ...
aHighlighting metropolitanization as a particular configuration of state power shaping megaproject development, this essay has examined variations in the planning and implementation of urban megaprojects in contextually distinct locations. 突出metropolitanization作为塑造megaproject发展的状态力量的一种特殊配置,这篇...
The particle counts increased 18–26 fold at locations near the airport, downwind, and 4-fold at locations up to 1 km from the airport. Results show that particle number increased with the number of flights and decreased with the distance to the airport [91]. Pirhadi et al. (2020): ...
The locations of the towns of Aklavik and Inuvik are shown for orientation. Data for background map from ref. 46. The map in Fig. 1b was created using ArcGIS software ArcMap 10.1 by Esri. Richards Island (marked with black line in Fig. 1b). On Richards Island the permafrost is ...
Table 4 An overview of the 15 tape-sampled surface locations and the presence of titanium dioxide nanofibers and graphene oxide particles on different surfaces found during Study B. Full size table Fig. 9: SEM image of TiO2NFs and graphene oxide. ...
The modelling domain as set by the extent of the base emissions with the locations of observations, including a zoomed view of those within the 5th Ring Road in Beijing. Long-term monitoring sites are colour-coded according to the site type and labelled by their acronyms. Locations of SNAQ ...