M20 is the famous Trifid Nebula, a bright colourful emission and reflection nebula that's located in the constellation of Sagittarius. At magnitude +6.3, it's visible with binoculars. This remarkable object not only contains an emission and reflection nebula but also a d...
We present 15-20 μm spectral maps toward the reflection nebula NGC?2023 obtained with the Infrared Spectrograph in short-wavelength, high-resolution mode on board the Spitzer Space Telescope. These spectra reveal emission from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), C60, and H2 superposed on a ...
Messier 42 - M42 - The Great Orion Nebula (Emission/Reflection) M42, also known as the Great Orion Nebula or Orion Nebula, is the prime deep sky attraction in the constellation of Orion and a showpiece deep sky object. With an apparent magnitude of +4.0, it's easily visible to the nake...
M43 De Mairan's Nebula (credit:- NASA, ESA, and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)) Finder Chart for M43 (credit:- freestarcharts) Finder Chart for M43 - pdf format (credit:- freestarcharts) In 10x50 binoculars, M43 appears as a small, faint fuzzy elongated patch with a noticeabl...
E.R., O.Gueckstock, H.J., T.Kampfrath, M.K., T.S. S., S.D. and R.L. acknowledge financial support from the Horizon 2020 Framework Program of the European Commission under FET-Open grant agreement No. 863155 (s-Nebula). R.L. acknowledges financial support from the Horizon 2020...
Red Emission In Reflection NebulaDr Morbius
The newly-commissioned University of New South Wales Infrared Fabry-Perot\n(UNSWIRF) has been used to image molecular hydrogen emission at 2.12 and 2.25\nmicrons in the reflection nebula Parsamyan 18. P 18 is known to exhibit low\nvalues of the (1-0)/(2-1) S(1) ratio suggestive of ...
Having no any explanations the radiation of high-frequency components of the\npulsar in the Crab Nebula can be a manifestation of instability in the\nnonlinear reflection from the neutron star surface. Reflected radiation it is\nthe radiation of relativistic positrons flying from the magnetosphere ...
North American Nebula, (catalog number NGC 7000), ionized-hydrogen region in the constellation Cygnus. The nebula is a cloud of interstellar gas ionized from within by young, hot stars. Interstellar dust particles in part of this cloud absorb the light e