M42 (Orion Nebula), emission/reflection nebula in Orion; binoculars M45 (The Pleiades), open cluster in Taurus; naked eye/binoculars M57 (Ring Nebula), planetary nebula in Lyra (rises before midnight); telescope The SkySafari 5 app can display circles around classes of objects, including all ...
cells and multiply when exposed to extreme temperature of 121 °C in an autoclave for two hours, and that the fluorescent behavior of the red cells is similar to the extended red emission observed in the Red Rectangle nebula.In August 2012, the Epoch Times newspaper carried comments from ...
My focus is on galactic emission nebulae as these are what NV excels at and which are poorly known about. Anyone who is using an IEE should have a hydrogen alpha filter! I have found galaxies to be a mixed bag, not much food unless they have lots of hydrogen emission eg m82. Globs ...
"Detection of the Carbon Monoxide Ion (CO +) in the Interstellar Medium and a Planetary Nebula". Astrophysical Journal Letters 419: L97. ^ R. S. Furuya, C. M. Walmsley, K. Nakanishi, P. Schilke, R. Bachiller (2003). "Interferometric observations of FeO towards Sagittarius B2". ...
“The Nebula Conference will include panels, solo presentations, conference mentorships, workshops, forums, chats, and virtual room parties (including a dance party hosted by John Scalzi). A portion of the funds we raise will go to assist SFWA members financially affected by CO...
TheCat’s Paw Nebulais an emission nebula in Scorpius. It is a vast star-forming region and one of the most active stellar nurseries containing some of the most massive stars known in the Milky Way. It is believed to contain tens of thousands of stars. ...
The Rosette Nebula is a large emission nebula in Monoceros. It is an H II region positioned near a large molecular cloud. The open cluster NGC 2244 is associated with the nebula, as its stars have been formed from the matter within the nebula. The Rosette Nebula has a visual magnitude of...
[科学阅读] 科普阅读:Astronomy Picture of the Da What powers the Heart Nebula? The large emission nebula dubbed IC 1805 looks, in whole, like a human heart. The nebula glows brightly in red light emitted by its most prominent element: hydrogen. 2011-10-25 编辑:Mike 标签: ...
2020, "CKS IX: Revisiting the Minimum-Mass Extrasolar Nebula with Precise Stellar Parameters ", Astronomical Journal, 159, 247 22. Norfolk, B. J., Casey, A. R., Karakas, A. I., et al. 2019, "Discovery of s-process enhanced stars in the LAMOST survey", Monthly Notices of the ...
of 4 NGC 1363 Galaxy ERI 13.9 - 0.9' Sbc -NGC 1499 Brt Neb PER 5 - 160' E California Nebula;0.6 deg from Xi Per NGC 1365 Galaxy FOR 9.6 14.1 11' SBb Best example of barred spiral;Fornax Gal Cl membe-rNGC 1500 Galaxy DOR 13.8 13.8 1.1' Elliptical NGC 1366 Galaxy FOR 12 12.6 ...