The resulting increased cost of CO2 separation from large point sources decreases the CCSU application potential in the abundantly present oil and gas reservoirs. Under these circumstances, future investigations can focus on improving CO2 separation, exploring onshore and offshore storage, integrating RES...
Identifying improvement potentials in cement production with life cycle assessment. Environ. Sci. Technol. 44, 9143–9149. [5] Bostanci S.C., Limbachiya, M., Kew, H., 2018. Use of recycled aggregates for low carbon and cost effective concrete ...
Comprehensive evidence implies a greater social cost of CO2. Nature 610(7933), 687-692 Richards D, Yabar H (2022) Potential of renewable energy in Jamaica’s power sector: feasibility analysis of biogas production for electricity generation. Sustainability 14(11):6457 Article Google Scholar ...
The MQLs is an environmentally friendly lubricant method with low cost while meeting the requirements of machining conditions. In this study, the experimental and analytical results show that the obtained acoustic emission (AE) and vibration signal components can effectively m...
(e.g., a car buyer) typically would see little of the carbon cost40. Differentiated consumption charges have been proposed for these sectors to both reduce the risk of carbon leakage41and reinstate the demand-side carbon price signal42. In the case of animal-based food, high monitoring ...
Mini Excavator: Lower Costs & Higher Versatility Drive Demand in India Newer and varied applications, lower initial purchase cost, lower operating and maintenance costs, and good rental demand, are making the Mini Excavator an attractive machine. NBM&CW looks ...
first demonstrated PiB-PET (amyloid PET), which has been widely used in AD research for over 20 years [13]. However, both techniques are unsuitable as screening tools in clinical settings owing to the high cost, radiation exposure, and the need for invasive lumbar puncture. Considering the ...
these policies incentivize system operators to use lower polluting plants first by increasing the marginal cost of heavier polluters11,12. However, extreme droughts and heat waves may force system operators in California to turn on nearly all available power plants, including heavy emitters, in order...
(2011). Voluntary nonfinancial disclosure and the cost of equity capital: The initiation of corporate social responsibility reporting. Accounting Review, 86, 59–100. Domazlicky, B. R., & Weber, W. L. (2004). Does environmental protection lead to ...
Ecologicalization of industry pays attention to the win–win situation between economy and ecology. However, the industry is prone to the problem of unclear property rights in the process of ecological governance, which leads to the occurrence of external diseconomy. When private cost equals social ...