【小兔鬼】写给最近多灾多难的地球:《stand up》 只看楼主 收藏 回复 小兔鬼 铁杆吧友 9 中文歌啊。。。大谢偶尔装个13给我这个beat喷子勿喷。。。哎。。我也有点觉得我是糟蹋了这伴奏。。。http://yyfc.iq123.com/play.aspx?reg_id=2391099&song_id=5295385 Tsssssss827 铁杆吧友 9 海棠灵素...
(*Eminem的言行。“I’m not afraid to take a stand/我不会畏惧去[承担](这一切)”) What you think, I’m doing this for me, so f-ck the world 我做这些仅仅是为了自己,去你妈的世界 Feed it beans, it’s gassed up, if it thinks its stopping me 让它吃豆子放臭屁去吧,如果它真正想阻止...
你们其他的Slim Shady都是模仿者So won't the real Slim Shady please stand up,所以不如让真正的Slim Shady站起来please stand up, please stand up.站起来, 站起来.Will Smith don't gotta cuss in his raps to sell his records;Will Smith在他的歌里面从来不爆粗口well I do, so fuck hi...
It was 'bout bustin' raps and standin' for somethin'这与说唱、与支持什么无关 Fuck an acronym 操那略缩词 Cut the fuckin' act like you're happy, I'm fuckin' back again 假装高兴,抛却那些行为吧,我他妈又回来了 With another anthem, why stop when it doesn't have to end?又一首赞歌,...
Please stand up Please stand up Please stand up请起立,请起立 because I'm Slim Shady因为我是痞子阿姆 Yes I'm the real Shady没错,我是真正的痞子 All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating你们其他的痞子阿姆都只是在模仿我 So won't the real Slim shady所以,真正的痞子 Please stand up Please...
Bo Burnham,原名Robert,16岁开始在油管发布一些自弹自唱的幽默小歌,随之爆红网络,18岁就在Comedy Central的全球喜剧节上进行演出,天赋异禀、才华横溢。 Bo与其他单口演员不同,他没法站在台上拿个话筒就流畅自如地跟观众叨叨一个小时,他的表演与其说是stand-up comedy,更像是精心编排、极具实验性的舞台艺术。所以...
D-Town, what up doe? Tony! [Verse 1: 2 Chainz & Eminem] Standin' on the speaker, toes brush Khalifa Powder on the plate that turn your girl into Eureka Remember, if I don't see it, then I don't believe it I done did some pretty dumb things on the tequila Birthday in Vegas,...
悲喜交加,没有终点 If she's in the house of pain then love is standin' outside 其实,幸福不会敲门 [Hook][Outro] - 独白 Maybe I'm a twisted one that screwing this up 也许我就是个神经病,是我毁了这一切 So i guess this means Goodbye, for now 我想该是时候说再见了,如今而已(笑)
It's a broke day but everything is okay 破碎的一天但一切都好 I'm up all night, but everything is alright 彻夜未眠,但一切都还不糟 It's a rough week, and I don't get enough sleep 艰难的一周,一直很难睡得着 It's a long year pretending I belong here 漫长的一年假装着我属于这儿 ...