and samples the first lines of "Thank You" by Dido as the chorus."Stan" tells a fictional story of a fan who is obsessed with Eminem and writes to him without receiving a reply. The first three verses are delivered by Eminem as Stan, while the fourth verse is Eminem attemp...
Stan还有一个6岁的叫Matthew的弟弟,在Eminem的演唱会外面冒雨等签名结果Eminem没有给他们签。 Stan继续写信,等了6个月也没有回信。终于Stan失控了,心情极度郁闷的他喝了5瓶伏特加。在一个顷盆的雨夜开车带着怀孕的妻子去找Eminem,结果出了车祸,他的车冲下了大桥,再也没有回来。 EMINEM终于收到了Stan的信,一边...
不久后EMINEM受到了Stan的信,一边看电视,一边写回信 写道一半的时候才发现电视上的新闻中正是Stan的死讯。 于是,EM唱到damn,it was you 这是真事!!!Base On Real Story!EMINEM看到Stan的死讯的死讯后,非常震惊。写下了这首Stan,来纪念这 1721回复 查看54条回复 我不:十五瓶伏特加?阁下何不乘风起 扶摇直上...
Eminem maintained “Stan” was not based on a true story. That said, the message and graphic nature of the lyrics and the video prompted groups like GLAAD toprotest the rapper. Alongside Eminem, Elton John was widely criticized for performing a duet of “Stan” at the Grammys in 2001....
AstoryofStan •Eminem的收获是数不清的美元和名望,而SlimShady的罪恶也露出端倪。AstoryofStan •Stan作为Eminem的狂热歌迷多次给Eminem写信却因为种种原因未得到回复,气急败坏的Stan服下1000片安眠药(歌词是这么说的)在酗酒的状态下将怀孕的女友锁在后备箱,高速行驶在高速路,两人双双坠海身亡。Eminem最后在...
Kaufman, G. (2008, September 17).Eminem’s Mom Tells Her Side Of The Story In New Memoir. MTV. Lang, C. (2017, June 1).‘Stan’ Is Now an Officially Recognized Word in the Oxford English Dic...
Stan (MTV Long Version)-Eminem/Dido 播放量:183.7万 在手机上播 视频简介 Eminem/Dido发行时间:2004-01-01 评论共455条评论
Eminem maintained “Stan” was not based on a true story. That said, the message and graphic nature of the lyrics and the video prompted groups like GLAAD toprotest the rapper. Alongside Eminem, Elton John was widely criticized for performing a duet of “Stan” at the Grammys in 2001. ...
【EMINEM.COM.CN】#Eminem# "To my partners, I can't say how sorry I am. This is not how I planned for our story to end. I love all of you men. But I just can't be the guy everybody depends on for entire careers 'cause that's not even fair. I will always be here, but ...