在这里,我推荐Atom风格的,也可以使用Sublime Text风格的,我自己使用的是Atom风格,在包管理中下载atom-one-dark(如果是想用Sublime Text的,就下载monokai),然后在配置中设置 (load-theme'atom-one-darkt) 这个时候,Emacs跟Atom是不是很像了,很有现代感吧~。配置界面风格,还有color-theme,不过不推荐,原因,color-...
emacs提供了很多主题,有一个网站https://emacsthemes.com/专门收集这些主题。 个人之前用的是atom和idea,所以安装darcula,atom-one-dark也备用(最后还是用了atom主题皮肤) mkdir -p ~/.emacs.d/themes cd $_ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dracula/emacs/62df5de68c73d34faaa0191a92ce3ebce589bf24/...
此外,笔者也非常喜欢Doom Emacs的主题,本教程虽然使用的是 Vanilla Emacs, 但也有插件把 Doom Emacs 的主题借鉴了过来。不仅如此,诸如 Atom、Monokai 也都有相应的实现,读者只需要寻找相应的主页进行安装即可。 在此分享一下笔者所使用的 Doom Emacs 主题,用到了doom-themes包,笔者选择了doom-monokai-octagon主题: ...
(load-theme ' monokai t) ;; monokai, material, atom-one-dark, dracula ;+===+ ;| 字体代码 | ;+===+ (set-frame-font "Source Code Pro 11") ;(set-default-font "Courier New 11") (set-fontset-font "fontset-default" 'unicode "仿宋 11") ;; for windows ...
This megapack's first and flagship theme isdoom-one(inspired by Atom One Dark), but also includes 67 themes submitted to us by the Emacs community. We welcome PRs to help us maintain and address inconsistencies in them. NameSourceDescription ...
Atom One Dark - An Emacs port of the Atom One Dark theme from Atom.io. emacsemacs-themeemacs-themesemacs-theme-port UpdatedJan 5, 2023 Emacs Lisp juba/color-theme-tangotango Star149 Code Issues Pull requests An emacs color theme based on the tango palette colors ...
arc-dark , andreas , assemblage , atom , atom one , new , indigo , aurora , material , minimal , gruvbox , automata , autumn-light , orange , badger , badwolf , vim , base16 , base16 chalk , chalk , base16 eighties , eighties ...
I want to pick one at ;; random when I start Emacs: the `ef-themes-load-random' does just ;; that (it can be called interactively as well). I just check with ;; my desktop environment to determine if the choice should be about ;; a light or a dark theme. Those functions are ...
Emacs包、库等资源集合:Awesome Emacs hideshowvis- Based onhideshow, just display its nodes on fringe. Error Checking
atom-one-dark-theme zenburn-theme company markdown-mode edit-indirect window-numbering)"Default packages")(setqpackage-selected-packages melpa-include-packages)(defunmelpa-installed-packages()(loopfor pkg in melpa-include-packages when(not(package-installed-ppkg))do(returnnil)finally(returnt)))(unless...