2. Best Option: Use the Em Dash Keyboard Shortcut There is a simple shortcut that includes the dash key on your keyboard that will quickly and easily create an em dash. Em Dash Shortcuts for PC and Mac PC:alt/option + shift + hyphen (-) MAC:option + shift + hyphen (-) 3. Seco...
To insert an em dash using your keyboard in Windows, use the following keyboard shortcut: Press Ctrl + Alt + – (on the numeric keypad) If you are on a Mac, the keyboard shortcut is slightly different. In this case, you should use: Press Shift + Option + – 3. Use the symbol me...
The hyphen/dash key between the 0 and the + keys will not work, but the dash key on the number pad does work when using it in Illustrator. While I check this with the team, would you mind trying to change the keyboard shortcut for this (https://adobe.ly/4...
The em dashkeyboard shortcutis one of the easier methods to access the punctuation. Though it might take a little bit of getting used to, once you master it ,you’ll be an em dash typing master. Turn on Number Lock by pressing theNumLock keyon the upper number row of your keyboard. ...
Then hold down the - (hyphen) key to reveal a row of options above the key and select the longest dash for an em dash. If you’re using a keyboard on your iPad, you can also use the same Option + Shift + - keyboard shortcut you use to type an em dash on macOS. How to Type...
On a Mac, click Option, Shift, and the hyphen key to make an em dash. How to Create Keyboard Shortcuts Creating a Keyboard Shortcut in Word for Windows Go to the File tab. Click on More and then Options to open the Word Options dialog box. In the left-hand sidebar of the dialog ...
To copy an em dash from the Character Map in Windows 10, press theWindowskey +Skeyboard shortcut. TypeCharacter Mapinto the search box. Click Character Map to open its window. Select the Advanced view checkbox. Enterem dashin the search for box, and click theSearchbutton. ...
Apple has made inserting an em dash into your text very simple with a keyboard shortcut. Press the Shift (⇧) + Option (⌥) + Minus (-) keys on your keyboard, and the em dash will appear in your word processor or text box automatically. ...
Use one of the following shortcuts to create an em dash.Ctrl+Alt+- Type two hyphens (--) Use the Alt code: Alt+0151 With macOS, use option+Shift+- (Apple keyboard) or Alt+Shift+- (PC keyboard)Tip Windows 10 and Windows 11 users can also use the keyboard shortcut Windows key+....
How to type an em dash on a Mac If you're a Mac user, congratulations: you basically only need to read the next sentence. On a Mac, the keyboard shortcut option + shift + dash (-) makes an em dash, and option + dash (-) makes an en dash....