How to type an em dash on a Mac If you're a Mac user, congratulations: you basically only need to read the next sentence. On a Mac, the keyboard shortcut option + shift + dash (-) makes an em dash, and option + dash (-) makes an en dash....
The em dashkeyboard shortcutis one of the easier methods to access the punctuation. Though it might take a little bit of getting used to, once you master it ,you’ll be an em dash typing master. Turn on Number Lock by pressing theNumLock keyon the upper number row of your keyboard. ...
Keyboard Apple has made inserting an em dash into your text very simple with a keyboard shortcut. Press the Shift (⇧) + Option (⌥) + Minus (-) keys on your keyboard, and the em dash will appear in your word processor or text box automatically. Related The 14-inch Apple MacBook...